Mandu Fort
The magnificent fort of Mandu can't be missed if you are visiting India. Built in the tenth century by one of the many Rajas who conquered the region, the palace and the town of Mandu reached its splendor in the early fifteenth century when an Afghan named Dilawar Khan monarch sat here his little kingdom and independence. It was his son Hoshang Shah who rose to the top and made it the capital of his empire. This story is so that you can imagine how great it is to stroll around there. It has everything that a king needed by those then, such as Turkish baths, air conditioning systems and natural heating, summer mansions surrounded by water and winter chilly more sheltered and warm.
Corridors kilometer walk where the cool in summer ... A facility of nearly 20km square where many rajas, maharajas or sovereign that had this beautiful strong they elaborated and tried to make his home the most comfortable. Here, some beautiful pictures that are almost but not anything close to its magnificence. I apologize to the great strength because they are not my images to their true height ..
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