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Cave Temples of Mahabalipuram

7 reviews of Cave Temples of Mahabalipuram


Mahabalipuram, which is also called Mamallapuram, is a town in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, whose capital is Chennai (this is known under the name of Madras). Mahabalipuram was a commercial port in the seventh century, under the dynasty of the Pallavas, and its name comes from the Pallava king, Mamalla. If you visit the city, you will see temples and tons of other monuments that remain from the older centuries. It has been deemed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among the monuments, we find a temple dedicated to Vishnu, the Thirukadalmallai, which was built to preserve the sculptures of the Pallavas from the damaging salt air, the descent of the Ganges, which is a huge sunken outdoor carved in a single stone block.

The sculptures have as the gods came down to earth by the sacred river, whose waters allegedly have sacred powers. Arjuna also, another monolith covered with bas-reliefs, is 3 meters wide and 10 meters high. Another curiosity, the "butter ball" of Krishnais an enormous rock that balances dangerously at the top of the mountain. It is shady if you dare to try sitting underneath it. The site is 60 km from Madras, it is best to take a taxi because the bus takes too long.
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Seaside village

A 2 hour bus from Chennai, this is a seaside village where you can find gorgeous statues along the side of the beach. Unesco declared this place a world heritage site, and it a good alternative for tourism as it is nice and cheap. You can also learn a lot about the tsunami that spared in this beautiful region!

a colorful museum, outdoors.

un museo colorista , al aire libre .

Ya lo creo que hay dotes artísticas , entre su población . Un lugar que fue especial por sus reyes Pallava con dotes estílistas ! tan representado en sus magníficos templos santuarios y cincelado en sus paneles exquisitos . Un bello lugar de Tamil Nadu , con su pasado colonial . En su bazar su mercado de artesanias , tan variados como creativos negocios . Algunos tan originales como los coquetos adivinos del futuro , loros que sacan la carta respuesta , a la consulta de las parejas , para ser interpretada por su dueño . En el país de los aromas , vendedoras de guirnaldas de flor de jazmín para decorarse el pelo o para las ofrendas a las deidades , negocio asegurado . Pero es el lugar donde admirar o comprar saris de fina seda , donde sus tejedores crean hermosas piezas , que antes de ser vendidas , son ofrecidas a través de rituales a los dioses . Son célebres por su brillo , sus colores , sus dibujos y por el remate de los bordes que aveces son hilos de oro con los que se bordan sus flores de loto o pavos reales . Un oficio , el de tejedor de seda ; generacional , dentro de la misma familia .
You bet there artistic skills among its population. A place that was special for its Pallava kings with estlistas gifts! as represented in their temples and shrines magnficos chiseled exquisite panels. A beautiful place in Tamil Nadu, with its colonial past. In its market bazaar crafts, as varied as creative businesses. Some flirty as original as diviners of the future, take the letter parrots response to the consultation of the partners, to be performed by its owner. In the country of spices, selling jasmine flower garlands to decorate the hair or for offerings to deities, insured business. But where admire or buy fine silk saris, where weavers create beautiful pieces, before being sold, are offered through rituals to the gods. They are clebres for its brilliance, its colors, drawings and the closing of the borders that are sometimes gold thread with its lotus flowers or embroidered peacocks. A trade, the silk weaver; generation within the same family.
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Quiet town

Ciudad tranquila

Es un pueblo a unos 60 kms. de Chennai., en el siglo VII fue el puerto principal de la dinastía Pallava. La ciudad es muy conocida por su industria de esculturas de piedra. Dentro de las ciudades de la India, es bastante tranquila, se puede pasear relajadamente ya que no hay aglomeraciones ni muchos coches. Hay varias calles comerciales con tiendas y bastantes restaurantes, en las calles que van a dar a la [poi=966961]playa [/poi]principalmente. Esta zona está muy bien para cenar al lado del mar o tomar algo.
It is a village about 60 kms. Chennai., in the seventh century was the main port of the Pallava dynasty. The city is well known for its stone sculptures industry. Within the cities of India, is fairly quiet, you can stroll relaxed because no crowds or many cars. There are several shopping streets with plenty of shops and restaurants, in the streets going to give the mainly beach. This area is great for seaside dinner or drinks.
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Bourgade envotante

Bourgade envoûtante

Les Beatles, en leur "temps indien", avaient déniché ce petit paradis sur terre. Climat doux sur la côte de Coromandel, vie paisible en ce bourg pourvu de merveilles archéologiques ; le tout, du matin au soir, aux sonorités rythmées des burins des tailleurs de pierre. Le village abrite, en effet, une corporation qui oeuvre sur le dur granit. Un bloc immense sur une terrasse lisse tient, depuis des siècles, en équilibre : c'est la motte de beurre de Krishna. Le Dieu est représenté dans une grotte, trayant la vache. Juste à côté de cette grotte, la "Descente du Gange" est un bas-relief qui date du VIIe siècle, époque des rois Pallava. Vraisemblablement c'est le plus grand bas-relief au monde. Les sculptures qui couvrent la totalité de la surface de deux énormes rochers, soit 27 mètres de long sur 9 mètres de haut, dépeignent le cours du Gange depuis l'Himalaya.
The Beatles in their "Indian time" had unearthed this little paradise on earth. Mild climate on the coast of Coromandel, peaceful life in this town as long archaeological wonders; everything from morning to evening, the rhythmic sounds of chisels stonemasons. The village has, in fact, a corporation that works on the hard granite. A huge block on a smooth terrace is for centuries, balanced: the lump of butter Krishna. God is represented in a cave, milking the cow. Right next to the cave, the "Descent of the Ganges" is a bas-relief dating from the seventh century, the Pallava kings. Presumably this is the largest bas-relief in the world. The sculptures that cover the entire surface of two huge rocks, 27 meters long and 9 meters high, depict the course of the Ganges from the Himalayas.
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South of Pondicherry, South India, yet...

Au sud de Pondichéry, en Inde du Sud, ...

Au sud de Pondichéry, en Inde du Sud, ce village pourtant minuscule abrite un nombre incroyable de temples et de sculptures ayant traversés le temps. Leur conservation et leur finesse est incroyable. Comme la plupart des Tamouls, les habitants ne sont pas avares en sourires, sans parler de leur cuisine, délicieusement épicée. Étant au bord de la mer, vous y dégusterez poissons et crustacés de première fraicheur!
South of Pondicherry, South India, yet this tiny town houses an amazing number of temples and sculptures that have survived over time. Their conservation and smoothness is incredible. Like most Tamils, people are not short on smiles, not to mention their food, deliciously spicy. Being at the seaside, you can taste fish and shellfish fresh first!
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A 2 hour bus ride from Chennai, pti a...

A 2 heures de bus de Chennai, un pti...

A 2 heures de bus de Chennai, un pti village cotier ou vous pourrez découvrir de magnifiques statues, le long d une belle plage. Classé au patrimoine de l'unesco, ce village certes touristique reste tres agreable et bon marché. Vous pourrez aussi apprendre bcp sur les ravages du tsunami qui n'a pas epargné cette tres belle region !
A 2 hour bus ride from Chennai, pti a coastal town where you can enjoy beautiful statues, along a beautiful beach. Heritage of Unesco, the tourist village is certainly very pleasant and cheap. You can also aprendre bcp on the devastation of the tsunami that has not spared this lovely area!
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Information about Cave Temples of Mahabalipuram