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5 reviews of Loutro

Board coast Nature

Bord de côte nature

Le village de Loutro voit passer un certain nombre de randonneurs. En quarante minutes de marche par le bord de côte sauvage, où l'homme a planté une chapelle, on gagne Finika. On croise quelques chèvres. A Finika, une piste grimpe la pente et un véhicule 4x4 est nécessaire, sinon, on arrive par mer : une petite plage et quelques maisons modernes. De Finika, on peut atteindre Marmara Beach où aboutissent les gorges d'Aradéna. De Loutro, un autre chemin côtier mène aussi à la plage de Glyka Néra, proche de Chora Skafion. Le village de Loutro offre ses blanches maisons au fond d'une crique. Aucune route ne permet de le rejoindre : accès par mer ou sentiers de randonnée. Plusieurs ferries s'arrêtent quotidiennement en provenance de Chora Skafion (4,5€ le trajet, un peu onéreux). Le lieu est très touristique : on y trouve hébergements, restaurants et une plage bien abritée. Les monokinis y sont interdits. L'eau est limpide. Calme de l'endroit, loin de toute circulation automobile. Beaucoup de succès.
The village of Loutro sees a number of hikers. In forty minutes of walking the edge of rugged coastline, where man has planted a chapel, you win Finika. We cross a few goats. A Finika, a trail climbs the slope and a 4x4 vehicle is necessary, otherwise, we arrive by sea: a small beach and a few modern houses. From Finika can be achieved Marmara Beach where gorges Aradena lead. Loutro, another coastal path also leads to the beach Glyka Nera, near Chora Skafion.
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The charming coastal village of Loutro...

L’incantevole villaggio costiero di L...

L’incantevole villaggio costiero di Loutro ha mantenuto l’aspetto di una località d’altri tempi, dove la giornata trascorre lenta e serena, disturbata solo dai traghetti che arrivano dalla vicina Hora Sfakion. Qui infatti non ci sono strade, ma il villaggio resta incastonato tra le ripide montagne e si presenta con le sue case bianchissime con porte e finestre azzurre, che contrastano fortemente con il blu intenso del mare, che diventa turchese vicino alla costa. Chiuso da un porto naturale, le sue acque sono decisamente calme e protette, anche se la spiaggia è decisamente piccola e piena di ombrelloni. Numerose sono le taverne che propongono una gustosa cucina di pesce e di specialità mediterranee, oltre a piccoli negozi molto curati che vendono graziosi souvenir. Un altro modo per raggiungere Loutro è quello di percorrere un suggestivo percorso pedonale scavato sulle pendici delle montagne che parte da Sfakion, tra viste incantevoli e spiaggette sperdute.
The charming coastal village of Loutro has retained the appearance of a place of the past, where the day goes slow and calm, disturbed only by ferries arriving from nearby Hora Sfakia. Here, in fact there are no roads, but the resort is nestled between the steep mountains and comes with its white houses with blue windows and doors, which contrast sharply with the deep blue of the sea, which becomes turquoise near the coast. Closed by a natural harbor, its waters are very calm and protected, even if the beach is very small and full of umbrellas. There are numerous tavernas offering a tasty fish dishes and Mediterranean specialties, as well as small shops that sell pretty well kept souvenirs. Another way to get to Loutro is to travel along a picturesque walking path dug on the slopes of mountains running from Sfakion, including lovely views and secluded beaches.
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Loutro is a town located south of the...

Loutro es un pueblo que se encuentra al...

Loutro es un pueblo que se encuentra al sur de la Isla de Creta . Después de pasar por el desfiladero de Samaria y llegar al pueblo de Agia Roumeli pueden coger el barco y quedarse a descansar en uno de los pueblecitos mas pintorescos de Creta. Hay pocos hoteles pero hay pensiones y no hay coches. Alli realmente puedes dedicarte a nadar en sus aguas cristalinas. La cómoda es buenisima y es uno de los lugares predilectos de los griegos.Os recomiendo que vayáis de Marzo a Septiembre quitando el 15 de Agosto pues allí van todos los que tienen barcos. Pescado fresco podeis encontrar diariamente y también preparan buenos dulces tipicos griegos también preparan buenos dulces tipicos griegos . Desde allí lugo podeis ir en barco a Agia Galini, otro puev
Loutro is a town located south of the island of Crete. After going through the Samaria Gorge and the village of Agia Roumeli can take the boat to rest and stay in one of the most picturesque villages of Crete. There are few hotels but no pension and no cars. Alli can really dedicate yourself to swim in crystal clear waters. Comfortable is good quality and is one of the favorite places of griegos.Os recommend you go removing from March to September August 15 because there are all those boats. Fresh fish daily and you can find good typical Greek sweets prepared also prepare good typical Greek sweets. From there you can go by boat lugo Agia Galini, another puev
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Loutro, a small village on a...

Loutro, petit village à flanc de ...

Loutro, petit village à flanc de montagne au sud de la Crète. Accessible que par la mer on y entend que les moteurs des petits bateaux de pêche et le bêlement des brebis qui broutent en toute liberté.
Loutro, a small village on a mountainside south of Crete. Accessible only by sea you can hear the engines of small fishing boats and the bleating of sheep that graze freely.
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