A traditional french restaurant with a big terrace
In general, when you are eating in the Vieux Lyon, the old part of the city, a UNESCO world heritage site, you will be going more for the environment, which is very warm, and is almost more important than the food itself. Le Panier a Salade is a bouchon, a typical restaurant with traditional food from the region of the Rhone. It stands for quality, but has the advantage of having a big terrace in the center. I would not recommend to eat more than a menu to avoid bad surprises at the end. If you decide to go with a drink make sure to ask for the price beforehand. One of the dishes is garlic snails, salad Lyonnaise, which is an assortment of hams and sausages, goat cheese salad and oxtail terrine.
The Boudin is the black pudding, while l'Andouillette is white and filled with guts. Lyon is a gastronomic city of France so do not hesitate to try new things.
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