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1 review of L'Amboisserie



After visiting the Royal Castle of Amboise and the Château du Clos Lucé, we were ready to eat and we decided on this creperie as we had heard of its panoramic terrace. We went at 2pm, a little late to eat in France, but as there were many tourists they were still serving food. Besides galettes and crepes, they also served salads, but we decided on a galettes because strangely enough, we had not tried them yet. There were many galettes to choose from, each named after a different place in the Loire Valley. We chose "Saumur" and "Chinon". For dessert, we had a delicious ice cream. Everything was very good and the service was excellent.

The panoramic terrace was very cool and had magnificent views, the only problem was that the sun was low and kept burning my eyes.
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