Alicia Ortego
One of the biggest lakes in all of Ethiopia
Lake Tana is the biggest of all Ethiopian lakes 85 miles in legnth and 65 wide, at a height of 1,802 m above sea level, and with a depth of about 14 meters, and full of life . There are over 37 islands, and many of them are homes to over 20 Christian churches and monasteries, constructed in the mid- 13th and early 14th centuries. This lake was known to the Greeks as "the lake copper" or "the jewel of Ethiopia", and is powered by more than 60 rivers ... tIn numbers it is quite impressive. Passing by boat is a relaxing exercise! Take advantage to go see some of the monasteries that allow tourists to visit, because not all of them allow it!.
They say that here are the true sources of the Blue Nile Falls and a little further south, when it began its journey to the Mediterranean. In fact, there is a point where the water changes color, which can be seen perfectly, and this is the place. To visit and spend a few days or however long you want, it's best to go to Bahar Dar, a city which is precisely in the "south end" of the lake, near the Blue Nile leaves Lake, and it is really a nice city, full of life and very quiet, pretty good weather, all kinds of restaurants and services, reported ... In fact, it is a kind of capital of northwest Ethiopia. And the truth is that, although we had little time to walk around, but we quite liked the Addis Ababa in all respects, though it has no relevant aesthetic appeal (monuments or something). A good place to stop and rest of the emotions that this great country offers. :-)
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