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6 reviews of Lake of St. Moritz

Walking on Water


During the winter, the lake is frozen and people stroll leisurely on it. There is also a pair of ski runs that are very close by and from their heights, for the more adventurous, you can launch in an airtaxi. Impressive!

The lake of St. Moritz, lies at the...

Il lago di Sankt Moritz, si trova ai...

Il lago di Sankt Moritz, si trova ai piedi della celeberrima cittadina elvetica; nella stagione invernale è quasi sempre ghiacciato e viene utilizzato soprattutto per gare di polo. E' in estate che si rivela splendido ed inquietante al soprattutto tramonto con i suoi colori cupi e le deboli onde che si alzano a causa della gelida brezza che anche nella bella stagione soffia tra le verdi vallate dell'Engadina. Il lago è solcato solo da barche a remi o a vela ed è interdetto ai motori; sembra che qui, il tempo si sia fermato e, passeggiando nello splendido parco, curatissimo, secondo la migliore tradizione elvetica, si ha l'impressione di poter incontrare da un momento all'altro l'artista Giovanni Segantini, ispirato da questi luoghi ed autore del famoso dipinto "Trittico delle Alpi". Passeggiare in solitudine sulle rive del lago è veramente rilassante, consiglio Sankt Moritz in inverno ma ancora di più in estate grazie alla sua splendida posizione ed al suo lago che contribuisce a renderla "la perla delle Alpi".
The lake of St. Moritz, lies at the foot of the famous Swiss citizen, in the winter season is almost always frozen and is used mainly for racing pole. E 'in the summer that turns out beautiful and disturbing especially at sunset with its dark colors and weak waves that rise because of the cold breeze that even in good weather blowing through the green valleys of the Engadine. The lake is crossed only by oars or sail boats and is forbidden to the engine, it seems that here, time has stopped and, walking in the beautiful park, landscaped, according to the best traditions of Swiss, one has the impression of being able to meet at any moment the artist Giovanni Segantini, inspired by these places and author of the famous painting "Triptych of the Alps". Walking alone on the shores of the lake is very relaxing, advice Sankt Moritz in winter but even more so in the summer thanks to its beautiful location and its lake which helps to make it "the pearl of the Alps".
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The new vacation area in central Europe

La nueva zona de vacaciones en el centro de Europa

Situada en pleno corazón de los Alpes Suizos. Bajando desde Julierpass, por la carretera 3, llegaréis a St. Moritz en el valle de Engadin. El lago St. Moritzersee es el pequeño de un conjunto de tres, donde también destaca el de Silvaplana por sus actividades y deportes acuáticos (windsurf, kitesurf, vela, kayak, etc.). Se trata además de una nueva zona de veraneo para suizos, alemanes y franceses, de poder adquisitivo alto. Otro de los grandes atractivos de estos lagos son las espectaculares panorámicas que se ofrecen de los Alpes. El mix de actividades durante el verano contrastan con las que se llevan a cabo en invierno, momento en el que el lago está helado, y se disputan carreras de caballos y partidos de polo.
Located in the heart of the Swiss Alps. Descending from Julier, on Highway 3 will come to St. Moritz in the Engadin valley. The lake of St. Moritz is the smallest of a set of three, which also features the Silvaplana for their activities and water sports (windsurfing, sailing, kayaking, etc..). This is also a new area for maximum of Swiss, German and French, high purchasing power. Another major attraction of these lakes are offered spectacular views of the Alps. The mix of activities during summer contrast with those carried out in winter, when the lake is frozen, and are fighting horse racing and polo matches.
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Sin fin

En nuestro interRail de camino a Berna, hicimos una parada en Sankt Moritz. Qué puedo decir... El lago te deja sin palabras. Es como un espejo. Se funde en cada pliegue con las montañas que lo rodean. Aunque la foto no rebose de color primaveral como casi todas lo harán (y eso que está tomada a finales de mayo)... quería compartir una foto que tomé. Como decía; un espejo.
On our way to Bern InterRail, we stopped in Sankt Moritz. What can I say ... The lake leaves you speechless. It is like a mirror. It melts in each fold with mountains surrounding it. Although the photo does not overflow spring color like most will do (and that is taken at the end of May) ... wanted to share a photo I took. As I was saying; a mirror.
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Magnificent view overlooking the snowy mountains of Saint Moritz and the small town.

Magnifica vista che dà sui monti innevati di Saint Moritz e sul piccolo centro.

Grazie alla temperatura invernale rigida il lago appare ghiacciato e scintillante.
Magnificent view overlooking the snowy mountains of Saint Moritz and the small town. Thanks to the cold winter temperature, the lake appears frozen and sparkling.
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