Carmen Pérez del Olmo Teira
Lai´s corner
The store-restaurant, Lai's Place, is located a few meters from the Adounsiri Guesthouse, on the street that connects it to the main road. Sandwiched between two other similar looking establishments, Lai's Place finally won me over because of how nice the girls ve are in charge are and their simple but delicious cuisine. The menu is not vastly different from the other restaurants in town: it offers Laotian cuisine (mainly "rice with" and "noodles with") and some western cuisine (burgers, sandwiches, etc). However, the prices are better than those other tourist restaurants such as Minority. The price of the dishes ranges from 10000-18000 Laotian kips, and Western food is around 20,000 kips, 30,000 if you want steaks.
A simple spot, but a safe bet.
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