Walking into Ireland in Chicago!
Walking into this restaurant is the prime example of what Irish Pubs in Chicago look and feel like. When I came through the doorway I was immediately welcomed to the restaurant by lovely hosts who were stationed next to this lovely majestic wood built bar. The bar is this reddish brown wood, handmade looking island that is in the center of the establishment. It circles between the north end and south end of the restaurant and is run by some very friendly faces (some even Irish!).
Lining all over the bar are over 300 International whiskeys (mostly from American/bourbon, Ireland/whiskey, Scotland/scotch). This is definitely a whiskey bar at its finest. For micro-brew craft beer lovers, Lady Gregory's has 25 tap handles of a variety of beer. We sat down in the back library with the fireplace roaring on this cold evening, and ordered some good ol fashion Irish-American comfort food!