All activities and posters are bilingual
One year we repeated our Siblu park experience, as the first experience has been fantastic. To repeat! We were a group of families, and when we arrived we found with surprise, that we could pool our mobile homes for the same price, were awarded some higher-end mobile homes. A nice touch! The 4 mobile homes were excellent, very clean, spacious and well kept. It's amazing how every centimeter of a mobile home is well used! It is an ideal place to practice English near the border. Interestingly the majority of customers are British and all activities and posters are bilingual: French and English. As we said Siblu chain is English, so a large number of British customers go there.
On this side of the coast that is not very common. For children there is a mini-club where they have a terrific time and there are days when they are visited by characters e.g. a mouse. The only downside is that, in mid season, the pool is open from 10.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. And it costs a lot of time to conform to French! One of the many things positive is the price. From Easter to mid-June, and from September, there is a very interesting offer: 3 nights/2 days to 90 € in the basic mobile home for 6 persons. In the price is includes barbecue, entrance to the pools, mini club and the "parties".'https://www.siblu.fr'
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