eXplorador Escocés
Classic scenery
Despite the name, this is not a giant cherry but rather a nose (both in Spanish - Andalusian) ... at least in terms of its shape. The Pillory is a mountain (about 400 meters high) that forms part of the Sierra de Retin and is located just across the bridge from the main entrance to the village. All of the locals have climbed up it at least a dozen times, because from its summit you can enjoy the best views of Zahara. If you know a little bit about the area, you can also visit the cave or the source of "the end", local excursions hat are classic to this mountain . If you go, you can not exclude a small but important detail ...
You are in a military zone, so you have to make the climb (and descent) discreetly ... but hey, you have one more reason to face this adventure zahareña.
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