Amazing seafood near Mercado de San Miguel
Located just steps from Madrid's iconic Mercado de San Miguel, La Conservera is a small tapas bar which has brought the traditional Spanish concept of a "preserves bar" to new heights. La Conservera has a small and carefully-chosen menu of white wines and high-end canned seafood, but what it does offer is of the highest quality available and I'd even go as far as to say that it's the best "bar de conservas" in the capital.
Those of you ve are new to Spain are probably thinking "wait...did you say 'high-end canned seafood'...isn't that an oxymoron?" Well, not in Spain. The Spanish coast, especially that of Galicia, is home to some of the world's best shellfish and preserving these tasty critters is a tradition which dates back well before the age of refrigeration. In fact, oftentimes the preserving process can make the shellfish better by molding textures, mellowing flavors, and enhancing aromas. It doesn’t hurt that La Conservera is run by Frinsa, one of Spain’s leading gourmet canned goods companies!