Ainara Garcia
You Have to Go With a Camera
Kvaløyvågen is one of the best places I've ever gone for photographing sunrises. In February a sunrise lasts more than two hours and there are a lot of photographic resources because it's a small fishing area in a very photogenic fjord. According to the locals, sometimes it's possible to see whales from here. At night, due to the low amount of city light pollution, you can see the stars as a perfectly natural spectacle. They're even more sought after than the aurora borealis. During my five nights in Kvaløyvågen, I could see and photograph it during 3 of them. The remaining 2 nights I didn't see it because it was cloudy.
Anyway, the weather there is very unpredictable, and the clouds might be in the way for a half hour. A highly recommended place for photographers who love nature and tranquility.
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