Party in Kropeliner Strasse
There is one of these in every city , and the one of Rostock is called Kröpeliner Straße. It is the commercial area of the city, the historic heart of how, where you can find street cafes and street stalls. Or it was when I went. It was May and there was a party in Rostock. I don´t know how a normal day would be here, but the day I went it was filled with German sausage stalls, beer and music. The street is beautiful. It is striking for its brightly-colored facades, all different but they do not seem to fit together, and they make a lovely picture. Of course, if you want to shop in Rostock here you have everything.
Clothes, food, restaurants, souvenir stores, books ... There's even a commercial center. If you need more, the street is next to the Church of Santa Maria (really nice), and ends at the tower KTC. The whole area I walked through two times.
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