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15 reviews of Kotor

Wonderfully well preserved

Located in one of the most beautiful bays of Montenegro, this small fortified town of Kotor is listed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. It's a gem, it's wonderfully well preserved, and it is still a typically medieval urbanization, with its walls and narrow streets. Kotor has only recently become a fashionable tourist destiantion, and does not yet have too many tourists passing through it's streets, if you compare it to Dubrovnik, Croatia, which is about an hour and a half away from here. Some agencies will arrange some tours leaving Dubrovnik morning and return in the afternoon. Although we went my bus, you can't get there any earlier than midday, therefore we decided to stay then night in a lovely guest house.

Kotor was built between the thirteenth and sixteenth. Many buildings, churches ... are precious historical monuments. The rest of the Montenegrin coast is much more developed, and Kotor remains a bit part, quiet and secluded. You can spend two or three days without getting bored, and the Bay offers beautiful beaches for swimming.
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Lugar bello


Con vistas espectaculares. Una entrada a la bahía de ensueño.

Kotor is a town and municipality in...

Kotor est une ville et une municipalité ...

Kotor est une ville et une municipalité du Monténégro. En 2003, la ville comptait 1 331 habitants et la municipalité 23 481. La vieille ville de Kotor, entourée d’une impressionnante muraille de défense, est particulièrement bien préservée et classée sur la liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO. Durant 3 siècles, Kotor et ses environs dépendaient de Venise. La structure et l’architecture de la ville en garderont une certaine influence. La vielle ville est vraiment très jolie (ne ratez pas le port), cependant la baignade n'est pas toujours agréable car l'eau du Fjord ne se renouvelle pas vraiment, mais la vue rattrape le coup... Gardez une attitude exemplaire, les habitants sont des chrétiens fondamentalistes...
Kotor is a town and municipality in Montenegro. In 2003, the city had 1331 inhabitants and the municipality 23,481. The old town of Kotor, surrounded by an impressive wall of defense, is particularly well preserved and placed on the World Heritage List of UNESCO. During three centuries, Kotor and its surroundings depended on Venice. The structure and architecture of the city retain some influence. The old town is really pretty (do not miss the port), though swimming is not always pleasant for water Fjord really do not recur, but for catching it ... Keep an exemplary attitude, people are fundamentalist Christians ...
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Kotor / Kotor and its center "Italian"

Cattaro/ Kotor e il suo centro " italiano "

Cattaro ha un delizioso centro storico che reca visibili tracce della sua appartenenza alla repubblica di Venezia, circondata da una cinta muraria e sovrastata da un castello al quale si accede da una ripida salita, la città è patrimonio Unesco e non a torto le bocche di Cattaro sono considerate tra i più bei panorami dell' intero mediterraneo, consigliata una visita arrivando dal mare in barca o traghetto. Il centro storico conserva palazzi prestigiosi, splendidi angoli e piazze e alcune chiese interessanti.
Kotor has a delightful old town which bears traces of his belonging to the republic of Venice, surrounded by walls and dominated by a castle which is accessed by a steep climb, the city is UNESCO world heritage site and rightly the Bay of Kotor are considered among the most beautiful views of the 'whole Mediterranean, recommended a visit coming from the sea by boat or ferry. The old town retains prestigious buildings, beautiful squares and corners and some interesting churches.
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Located at the southern end of the bay,...

Collocata all'estremità meridionale ...

Collocata all'estremità meridionale dell'omonima baia, Kotor è una splendida località balneare montenegrina. La zona vecchia della città è racchiusa all'interno di alte mura che formano un imbuto proprio sotto l'antica fortezza. Perdetevi tra gli stretti vicoli della cittadina prima di intraprendere la salita lungo i numerosi scalini verso la chiesa e poi la fortezza a picco sulla baia incastonata tra le montagne.
Located at the southern end of the bay, Kotor is a beautiful seaside resort of Montenegro. The old part of the city is enclosed within high walls that form a funnel just below the ancient fortress. Wander through the narrow streets of the town before embarking on the climb along the many steps to the church and then the fortress overlooking the bay surrounded by mountains.
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I recommend

Je recommande

À voir également le spectacle est à couper le souffle gentillesse des monténégrins à recommander.
Also to see the show is breathtaking kindness of the Montenegrins to recommend See also the show is breathtaking kindness of the Montenegrins to recommend
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Kotor in a day of rain, cold and sincere

Kotor em um dia de chuva, fria e sincera

Kotor, uma cidade perdida no tempo, cercada por muralhas milenares, casas de pedra bruta do tempo de impérios e castelos, uma cidade linda para se perder e explorar, vistas maravilhosas.
Kotor, a city lost in time, surrounded by ancient walls, rough stone houses from the time of empires and castles, a lovely city to get lost and explore, wonderful views.
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Kotor, shades of blue for all the senses.

Kotor, gama de azules para todos los sentidos.

Kotor, gama de azules para todos los sentidos.
Kotor, shades of blue for all the senses.
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is in the photos

La entrada vale 8€

Un lugar de cuento de hadas...las murallas te trasladan a otra época
a place of fairy tale ... the walls take you to another time the ticket is worth € 8. Along the way there is a beautiful chapel ... it is in the photos.
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A wonder A wonder

Une merveille

Une merveille
A wonder A wonder
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The beauty of an incredible place.

La belleza de un lugar increíble.

Precioso rincón.
Beautiful rincn.
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Really beautiful

Realmente hermoso.

Realmente hermoso.
Really beautiful
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dirty streets i smelling cat

Calles sucias y con olor a gato.

Este pueblo solo tiene el mirador fiordo.
This town only has the fjord viewpoint ... dirty streets with the smell of cat ...
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Even there beside Croatia hides one of...

Mesmo ali ao lado da Croácia esconde-se ...

Mesmo ali ao lado da Croácia esconde-se um dos locais mais bonitos e espectaculares que se pode visitar. Em Montenegro, país independente da Bósnia desde 2006, podemos visitar a bela Kotor. Esta bela vila, considerara Património Mundial da Humanidade pela UNESCO, está cheia de mística e beleza a cada esquina. Com uma influência muito grande da cultura italiana, esta vila destaca-se por estar encerrada dentro de muralhas que fazem com que o visitante, só depois de as passar, consiga vislumbrar a beleza natural e magistral deste local.
Even there beside Croatia hides one of the most beautiful and spectacular that one can visit. In Montenegro, Bosnia independent country since 2006, we visit the beautiful Kotor. This beautiful village, he considered a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, is full of mystique and beauty at every turn. With a very strong influence of Italian culture, this village stands out by being enclosed within walls that make the visitor, just after the pass, get a glimpse of the natural beauty and masterful this site.
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