Magela Correa Excellent service, food, drinks and the place is uniqueExcelente atención,comida, bebidas y el lugar es único Excelente atención,comida, bebidas y el lugar es únicoExcellent service, food, drinks and the place is unique +4 See originalLike
Daniel Ilchischen Excellent view, atmosphere and speed table serviceExcelente vista panorámica ExcellentAmbientación y rapidez en servicio de mesa.Excellent view, atmosphere and speed table service See originalLike
Liz Meza Great place to hang out with friendsAmbiente muy bueno ExcellentExcelente lugar para pasarla bien con amigos.Great place to hang out with friends, freshening very good See originalLike
Marcia Pereira great place for young people"s time and...Excelente lugar ExcellentPara jóvenes de está época y también para mayores su comida es muy bueno.great place for young people"s time and also for older their food is very good .. See originalLike
Ricardo Melgarejo A place with a nice atmosphere with good musicUn lugar con un ambiente agradable ExcellentCon buena música, comida muy buena y excelente tragos.A place with a friendly atmosphere with good music, very good food and excellent drinks. See originalLike
pipo carisimo The atmosphere is nice and cleanEl ambiente es lindo y limpio ExcellentEl ambiente es lindo y limpio The atmosphere is nice and clean See originalLike