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9 reviews of Jerash



Undoubtedly one of the most spectacular sites in Jordan is this city of Roman origin. It is one of the best preserved in the world. It has an impressive Roman theater and the tall colums at the Temple of Zeus will make you feel small. It is interesting to note that the columns are completely skewed and may move if you push, so beware, don't lean on them!


The Pompeii of the East

La Pompeya de Oriente

Conocida en tiempos de los romanos como Gerasa, fue una de las 10 ciudades más grandes del imperio, la Decápolis, expresión de la grandeza de la Roma Imperial. Esta ciudad se sitúa al Noroeste de Jordania y es conocida también como la Pompeya de Oriente por su buen estado de conservación. Un poco de historia: Fundada en los siglos IV y III a.C y descubierta en el siglo XIX, estuvo enterrada durante siglos bajo la arena y fue restaurada hace 70 años. Jerash combina un poco de occidente y un poco de oriente, su encanto radica en que es el reflejo de la cohesión de dos culturas: El mundo grecorromano de la cuenca del mediterráneo y las antiguas tradiciones del oriente árabe. La ciudad moderna de Jerash se encuentra al este de las ruinas y aunque comparta una muralla se ha extendido alejándose de las mismas y así las ha preservado. A destacar dentro de la ciudad: El Arco de Adriano, construido para conmemorar la entrada del Emperador Adriano en la ciudad en el año 129 d C; el Hipódromo, donde tenían lugar las carreras de carros; la Plaza Oval (plaza elíptica en perfecto estado de conservación), la llamada calle de las columnas, la Catedral, el Teatro Norte, el Teatro Sur, y el Templo de Artemisa, donde se pueden admirar las columnas corintias que lo rodean. Junto con Petra, en mi opinión, las ruinas de Jerash es uno de los sitios a destacar y de visita obligada en Jordania, te transporta a otra época
Known in Roman times as Gerasa, was one of the 10 largest cities of the empire, the Decapolis, expression of the grandeur of Imperial Rome. This city is in the northwest of Jordan and is also known as the Pompeii of the East for its well preserved. A little history: Founded in the fourth and third centuries BC and discovered in the nineteenth century, was buried under the sand for centuries and was restored 70 years ago. Jerash combines a little bit of western and eastern, its charm is that it reflects the cohesion of two cultures: The Greco-Roman world of the Mediterranean basin and the ancient traditions of the Arab East. The modern city of Jerash is located east of the ruins and even share a wall has spread away from them and thus preserved. Highlights within the city: Hadrian's Arch, built to commemorate the entry of the Emperor Hadrian in the city in the year 129 d C, the Hippodrome, which staged the chariot races, the Plaza Oval (elliptical square in mint condition conservation), the street named columns, the Cathedral, the North Theatre, Southern Theatre, and Temple of Artemis, where you can admire the surrounding Corinthian columns. Along with Petra, in my opinion, the ruins of Jerash is one of the sites to highlight and a must in Jordan, transports you to another time
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The ancient Jerash and the greatness of the Romans

L'antica Gerasa e la grandezza dei romani

Jerash, ovvero, l'antica Gerasa, una delle città di epoca romana meglio conservate al mondo; sepolta per secoli sotto la sabbia prima di essere riscoperta è stata restaurata negli ultimi 70 anni. Il sito è l'emblema della grandezza architettonica dei romani, un trionfo di templi, teatri, colonnati e piazze. Tappa consigliatissima e assolutamente obbligatoria per gli amanti della storia e della cultura. Vi si accede dalla Porta sud, chiamata "Porta di Philadelphia", in passato ingresso in città per i viaggiatori che arrivavano da Amman, chiamata appunto Philadelphia. A nord invece la "Porta di Damasco". Assolutamente da vedere la Piazza Ovale, il Tempio di Zeus, il Teatro Meridionale (arrivate in cima ai gradini di fronte al palco per godere di una splendida vista sull'intero sito) e il Tempio di Artemide, uno dei più grandi del Medio Oriente. Curiosità: alcune delle colonne corinzie del tempio, realizzate ad incastro, hanno la caratteristica di oscillare lievemente. Inserendo un cucchiaino nelle fessure è possibile misurarne l'oscillazione. Si arriva al famoso Cardo Maximus, la strada colonnata lunga 800 metri che attraversa tutta la città. All'interno del sito si svolgono alcune rappresentazioni artistiche/musicali del Jerash Festival; nell'ippodromo, invece, la Jerash Heritage Company organizza uno spettacolo che porta in scena il RACE (Roman Army and Chariot Experience). Guide e mappe sono disponibili presso il Centro visitatori (ingresso meridionale). Ingresso al sito: 8 dinari (include l’ingresso al Museo Archeologico) Orario di apertura: inverno 8-16, estate 8-17
Jerash, namely, the ancient Gerasa, one of the best preserved Roman provincial towns in the world; buried for centuries in sand before being excavated has been restored over the past 70 years. The site is the emblem of the architectural grandeur of the Romans, a triumph of temples, theaters, colonnades and squares. Consigliatissima stage and absolutely mandatory for lovers of history and culture. It is accessed from South Gate, called the "Door of Philadelphia," before entering the city for travelers arriving from Amman, just call Philadelphia. To the north instead of the "Damascus Gate". Must see the Oval Plaza, Temple of Zeus, the Southern Theatre (get to the top of the stairs in front of the stage to enjoy a splendid view of the entire site) and the Temple of Artemis, one of the largest in the Middle East. Trivia: Some of the Corinthian columns of the temple, made of interlocking, have the property to oscillate slightly. By placing a teaspoon into the slots is possible to measure the oscillation. We arrive at the famous Cardo Maximus, the colonnaded street 800 meters long that runs through the city. Within the site you play some performing arts / music of the Jerash Festival; hippodrome, however, Jerash Heritage Company organizes a show that brings to the stage the RACE (Roman Army and Chariot Experience). Travel guides and maps are available at the Visitor Center (south entrance). Entrance to the site: 8 dinars (includes entrance to the Archaeological Museum) Opening hours: Winter 8-16, 8-17 summer
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Pompeii of the East and beyond

Pompei d'Oriente e non solo

Jerash è stata una bellissima sorpresa che mi ha preso il cuore. Questa città, che nell'antichità fu una delle più importanti del Medioriente, conserva ancor oggi un complesso monumentale importantissimo. La città esiste fin dal Neolitico, ma i primi a lasciare la loro forte impronta furono i Greci, seguiti dai Romani. Entrambe le influenze si notano infatti nell'architettura dei preziosi monumenti qui ritrovati (e la maggior parte è ancora sottoterra). Il periodo più fiorente fu nel I secolo d.C., quando faceva parte delle ricche Decapolis (dieci città commercialmente importanti). Oggi ci sono rimasti costruzioni meravigliose, come il teatro sud o l'arco di Adriano. Ne consiglio veramente la visita, anche perché si trova a mezzora da Amman.
Jerash was a wonderful surprise that I took my heart. This city, which in ancient times was one of the most important in the Middle East, still keeps an important monumental complex. The town has existed since Neolithic times, but the first to leave a strong imprint them were the Greeks, then the Romans. Both of these influences can be seen in the architecture of fact precious monuments found here (and most of it is still underground). The most flourishing period was in the first century AD, when it was part of the rich Decapolis (ten cities commercially important). Today there were beautiful buildings, such as the theater or the south arch of Hadrian. I would really recommend a visit, also because it is located half an hour from Amman.
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Greco-Roman city dating from the year...

Ciudad grecorromana que data del año 63 ...

Ciudad grecorromana que data del año 63 a.C perteneciente a la Decápolis, diez ciudades romanas unidas para potenciar el comercio de la zona. En el siglo I el emperador Trajano construyo calzadas para incrementar las actividades comerciales de la ciudad. En los años 119-130 Adriano visitó Jerash y con motivo de su visita se erigió un arco conmemorativo que actualmente es símbolo de esta ciudad y que se encuentra en perfectas condiciones. Dentro de esta zona arqueológica se pueden visitar las ruinas del hipódromo, el teatro romano, la plaza oval, el templo de Artemisa y el templo de Zeus.
Greco-Roman city dating from the year 63 BC belonging to the Decpolis ten Roman cities linked to boost trade in the area. In the first century Emperor Trajan constructed roads to increase the commercial activities of the city. In the years 119-130 Adriano visit Jerash and on the occasion of his visit a memorial arch is now a symbol of this city and it is in perfect condition erected. Within this area you can visit archeological ruins racetrack, the Roman theater, the oval square, the Temple of Artemis and the temple of Zeus.
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Jerash, ancient Rome very well preserved.

Jerash , la antigua Roma muy bien conservadas .

Ansiaba por llegar a Ammán , un destino por mi deseado desde hacia mucho tiempo , un buen lugar para realizar desde la capital , excursiones inolvidables . A pesar que la ciudad nabatea de Petra y el hermoso desierto de Wadi Rum , ya justifican ese destino , no se quedan atrás complejos arquitectónicos , como el de Jerash , al norte ha unos cincuenta km , desde Ammán . Una de las diez grandes ciudades romanas , conquistada por Pompeyo , en el año 63 a.c. Tiempos de esplendor , luego fue Trajano quien la anexionó al reino de los Nabateos . Ruinas muy bien conservadas por haber estado oculta por la arena , toda una sorpresa que bien merece descubrir pausadamente . Descubierta en 1806 por Urih Jasper Seetzen , una de las muchas paradas que incluía la Ruta de la Seda . Un fantástico lugar ocupado por arameos , griegos, persas , romanos , cristianos y musulmanes . Nos recibe su famoso arco romano , el de Adriano , espectacular también , su hipódromo , como no imaginar los carros de combate , a sus gladiadores luchando . Una ciudad con una hermosa avenida de columnas , aún recuerdo la emoción de ir por aquellas calzadas romanas y ver su plaza oval , rodeada de 56 columnas jónicas , esbeltas . Calles empedradas en las que aún están las huellas , de sus pesados carruajes , huella de un sistema de alcantarillado , en época romana . Sin duda , su visión es imponente . En los margenes se sucedían antiguos palacios , templos , plazas espaciosas , baños , fuentes como la de Ninfeo , dedicada a las hijas de Zeus , representando la fecundidad de la naturaleza . El Templo de Artemis , dedicado a la diosa de la fertilidad y la guerra , vaya dualidad verdad , con suelo de mármol y preciosas figuras talladas . Un mercado con buenos soportes de piedra , decorados con figuras de animales . Con motivos " corderos y vacas " que definían la que zona del mercado en la que estaban los gremios . Un gran teatro en la parte norte , uno de los dos teatros de los que gozaban los nabateos , que como se puede apreciar , genial conservado . No me imagino lo que tuvo ser estar en aquella época , disfrutando de los espectáculos . Entrar en Jerash , es un viaje a través del tiempo , es una experiencia única , apasionante que merece ser vivida . Hacia las colinas se disfruta del Templo de Artemisa , la diosa cazadora , la diosa de los animales salvajes , con sus enormes columnas , capiteles altivos mirar el cielo . La riqueza que tuvieron , la fertilidad de su suelo , incluso abundancia en agua favoreció la existencia del pueblo nabateo , comenzó en aquella época de esplendor , la edad de oro de Jerash .
I was anxious to get to Amman, a destination I had wanted for a long time, a good place to make unforgettable trips from the capital. Although the Nabataean city of Petra and the beautiful desert of Wadi Rum already justify that destiny, there are no architectural complexes left behind, such as the one in Jerash, some 50 km north from Amman. One of the ten great Roman cities, conquered by Pompey, in 63 BC Times of splendor, then it was Trajan who annexed it to the Nabatean kingdom. Ruins very well preserved for having been hidden by the sand, a surprise that deserves to be discovered slowly. Discovered in 1806 by Urih Jasper Seetzen, one of the many stops that included the Silk Road. A fantastic place occupied by Arameans, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Christians and Muslims. We are welcomed by its famous Roman arch, Adriano"s, also spectacular, its racecourse, as you can not imagine the tanks, its gladiators fighting. A city with a beautiful avenue of columns, I still remember the excitement of going through those Roman roads and see its oval plaza, surrounded by 56 Ionic columns, slender. Stoned streets in which there are still the tracks, of their heavy carriages, trace of a sewage system, in Roman times. Without a doubt, his vision is impressive. On the margins there were ancient palaces, temples, spacious squares, baths, fountains like Ninfeo, dedicated to the daughters of Zeus, representing the fecundity of nature. The Temple of Artemis, dedicated to the goddess of fertility and war, goes true duality, with marble floor and beautiful carved figures. A market with good stone supports, decorated with animal figures. With motives "lambs and cows" that defined the area of the market in which the guilds were. A great theater in the northern part, one of the two theaters enjoyed by the Nabataeans, which as you can see, great preserved. I can not imagine what it was like to be in that era, enjoying the shows. Enter Jerash, it is a journey through time, it is a unique, exciting experience that deserves to be lived. Towards the hills you can enjoy the Temple of Artemis, the goddess hunter, the goddess of wild animals, with its huge columns, proud capitals looking at the sky. The wealth they had, the fertility of their soil, even abundance in water favored the existence of the Nabataean people, began in that era of splendor, the golden age of Jerash.
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Jerash, or ancient Jerash

Jerash o antica Gerasa

Jerash o antica Gerasa è sicuramente un posto da vedere in Giordania per la bellezza del sito archeologico e per il buono stato di conservazione. Concedetevi una visita di almeno in paio d'ore.
Or ancient Jerash Jerash is definitely a place to see in Jordan for the beauty of the archaeological site and the good state of preservation. Treat yourself to a visit of at least two hours.
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We walked approximately 800 meters had guide not explained how The modern city of Jerash is located east of the ruins

Caminamos aproximadamente 800 metros teníamos guía no explicó como La ciudad moderna de Jerash se encuentra al este de las ruinas

Caminamos aproximadamente 800 metros teníamos guía no explicó como La ciudad moderna de Jerash se encuentra al este de las ruinas. La antigua y la nueva ciudad están separadas únicamente por un muro, pero la cuidadosa conservación y planificación de la ciudad han hecho posible que la ciudad se desarrolle por sí misma fuera de las ruinas, por lo que no hay ningún tipo de invasión de los sitios antiguos.
We walked approximately 800 meters had guide not explained as The modern city of Jerash is located east of the ruins. The old and the new city are separated only by a wall, but the careful conservation and planning of the city have made it possible for the city to develop itself outside the ruins, so there is no invasion of the sites old
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Jerash, Jordan


Jerash, Jordan
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