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Jama Masjid

011 23320008
011 23320008
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17 reviews of Jama Masjid

Majestic Construction

The majestic mosque was built on a natural promontory in 1656 by the emperor Shah Jahan, with three imposing white marble domes and twin black minarets that flank its majestic central arch, it took six years and 5,000 workers to complete, costing almost one million rupees. A graceful staircase leads to the magnificent red sandstone arched doorways, where during the times of Aurangzeb, they sold horses and jugglers performed. In the gigantic 28-meter square courtyard where up to 20,000 people can be held, during Friday prayer and the Id, when it hosts numerous faithful followers. Next to the stack

Of ablutions is the platform where a reader stood to repeat the the prayers before the existence of megaphones.
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Built by Shah Jahan the maker of Taj...


Built by Shah Jahan the maker of Taj Mahal it is one of the largest mosques in india.

Let your shoes off and put on long...

Déjate los zapatos fuera y ponte ...

Déjate los zapatos fuera y ponte pantalón largo. Son bastante estrictos en esto, pero la visita bien lo merece. Todos hemos visto una mezquita, pero aquí todo es a lo grande. Tras una gran escalera, se atraviesa un imponente arco, que da paso a una majestuosa plaza dominada por la inmensa mezquita. Desde lo alto de uno de sus minaretes se puede observar el desorden y la actividad frenética de Nueva Delhi a vista de pájaro.
Let your shoes off and put on long pants. They are pretty strict on this, but more than worth the visit. We've all seen a mosque, but here everything is big. After a grand staircase, cross a towering arch that leads to a grand square dominated by the huge mosque. From the top of one of its minarets you can see the frantic activity disorder and New Delhi as the crow flies.
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Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in...

Jama Masjid es la mayor mezquita de la...

Jama Masjid es la mayor mezquita de la India y está ubicada en pleno corazón de Nueva Delhi. Se eleva sobre un promontorio que te permite otear el Viejo Delhi. Para acceder a la mezquita y a su recinto debes descalzarte y la mujeres deben cubrir sus hombros y piernas. No veas como quemaba el suelo con el calor que hacía en agosto. Mientras unos chicos te cuidan los zapatos por unas rupias. La mezquita en si es imponente, tanto que se necesitaron 6 años y 5.000 obreros para construirla en 1656. Tiene una forma simétrica en la que destacan sus grandes minaretes, el mármol y la arenisca roja. Como sabéis, la India es un país muy religioso y en el que se profesan muchos cultos distintos. A pesar de que muchos musulmanes acabaron en Pakistán tras la división de la colonia inglesa, nuestro guía nos comentó que en India había más musulmanes que en Pakistán. Le gustaba fanfarronear bastante, aunque no sé si este dato será cierto. Lo que sí que es tangible, son las grandes dimensiones de la mezquita y de su patio. Dicen que se pueden llegar a reunir 20.000 fieles durante la oración de los viernes. Lo cierto es que nosotros no vimos casi fieles en esos momentos y sí mucha gente resguardándose del calor en las sombras que ofrecía el templo. Es muy recomendable darse un pequeño paseo por el Viejo Delhi hasta llegar a Jama Masjid.
Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in India and is located in the heart of New Delhi. It stands on a promontory that lets you scan the Old Delhi. To access the mosque and its precincts descalzarte and women must cover their shoulders and legs. Do not look like the ground was burning hot it was in August. While some guys look after the shoes for a few rupees. The mosque itself is stunning, so much that it took six years and 5,000 workers to build it in 1656. Has a symmetrical shape in which they emphasize their great minarets, marble and red sandstone. As you know, India is a very religious country and in which many profess different religions. Although many Muslims ended up in Pakistan after the division of the British colony, our guide told us that there were more Muslims in India than in Pakistan. He liked to brag a lot, but do not know if this information is true. What I do is tangible, are the large size of the mosque and its courtyard. They say it may reach 20,000 faithful gather during Friday prayers. The truth is that we did not see nearly faithful in those moments and yes many people sheltering from the heat in the shade offered by the temple. It is highly recommended to take a little stroll through Old Delhi Jama Masjid to reach.
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The most important mosque in New Delhi

La mezquita más importante de Nueva Delhi

Jama Masjid es la mezquita más importante de Nueva Delhi y junto con el Fuerte Rojo, el corazón del viejo Delhi. Es gratis visitarla pero hay una tasa de 200 rupees si quieres sacar fotos. Además, si eres mujer, te recomiendo ir tapada desde los hombros hasta las rodillas. ¡Si no te obligarán a ponerte una especie de bata horrenda y hortera que guardan para las turistas! Lo que más me sorprendió de Jama Masjid era su ambiente - no tenia ese ambiente sagrado y serio que tienen otras mezquitas en otros países, si no se sentía más como una plaza- claro que había gente rezando, pero también había muchas familias paseando, grupos de jóvenes sentados en el suelo charlando y bebiendo refrescos y un gran cantidad de turistas hindúes. En fin, es un sitio fascinante y de buen rollo para pasear y explorar (eso sí, te aconsejo ir a primera hora si quieres evitar las masas). La mezquita en sí data del siglo XVII y el aula interior con sus arcos interminables todos en arenisca roja es asombrosa. No te vayas sin fijarte en los candelabros, los motivos florales hechos en mármol y el suelo con formas en blanco y negro diseñados para recordar alfombrillas de oración. Toda una belleza y en un estado tremendo por sus años. Imprescindible si pasas por Nueva Delhi.
Jama Masjid is the largest mosque in New Delhi and along with Red Fort, the heart of old Delhi. Visit is free but there is a fee of 200 rupees if you want to take pictures. Also, if you"re a woman, I recommend you go covered from shoulders to knees. If you will be forced to not get a kind of hideous and tacky gown keeping for tourists! What surprised me most Jama Masjid was his room - not had that sacred atmosphere and seriously with other mosques in other countries, if not felt more like a clear square- there were people praying, but there were many families walking groups of young people sitting on the floor chatting and sipping refreshments and a lot of Indian tourists. In short, it is a fascinating and good vibes to wander and explore site (yes, I advise you to go early if you want to avoid the masses). The mosque itself dates from the seventeenth century and the interior classroom with its endless red sandstone arches everyone is amazing. Do not leave without paying attention to the chandeliers, floral patterns made of marble and floor with black shapes designed to remind prayer mats and white. a beauty and in a tremendous state for his years. A must if you go through New Delhi.
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The largest mosque in India

La più grande moschea d'India

Situata al centro del grande bazaar della vecchia Delhi, la moschea fu l’ultima opera architettonica voluta dall’imperatore Shah Jahan. Iniziata nel 1644, si erge su un'altura e vi si accede da una scalinata. Dotata di tre grandi portali e di altrettante cupole a cipolla, di quattro torri angolari e di svettanti minareti in marmo e arenaria rossa è un fulgido esempio di architettura moghul. Lasciate le proprie scarpe in custodia all'ingresso, mescolate a quelle di tutte le altre migliaia di visitatori, e indossata eventualmente una tunica se l'abbigliamento non è reputato decoroso, si accede in un enorme cortile porticato che può contenere fino a 25 mila persone ed ha al proprio centro una vasca per le abluzioni purificatrici. La moschea è invece caratterizzata da archi, di cui quello centrale occupa una grande volta in direzione della Mecca; geometrie di arenaria e marmo bianco permettono alle iscrizioni coraniche di risaltare. Luogo particolarmente amati dagli abitanti di Delhi, che sono soliti trascorrervi anche intere giornate pregando, chiacchierando o godendosi il fresco con la famiglia e gli amici.
Located in the center of the great bazaar of Old Delhi, the mosque was the last architectural work commissioned by Emperor Shah Jahan. Started in 1644, stands on a hill and is accessed by a staircase. Equipped with three large portals and many onion domes, four corner towers and minarets towering red sandstone and marble is a shining example of Mughal architecture. Leave your shoes at the entrance in custody, mixed with those of all the other thousands of visitors, and possibly a tunic worn if the clothing is not considered decent, you get a huge colonnaded courtyard that can hold up to 25 thousand people and has at its center a spa for purifying ablutions. The mosque is instead characterized by arches, the central one has a great time in the direction of Mecca; geometries of sandstone and white marble enable Koranic inscriptions stand out. Place particularly beloved by the people of Delhi, which are also used to spend whole days praying, chatting and enjoying the fresh air with family and friends.
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Los rincones de la incombustible Delhi. Mercado Chandni Chowk, cuya traducción literal es “lugar de luz de luna” y debe su nombre a que, en la época de Shah Jahan, un canal recorría el centro y la luna se reflejaba en el agua por la noche. Allí encontramos puestos de todo tipo, entre ellos, reparación de relojes, invitaciones de boda, reparaciones de chanclas… Hacemos nuestras primeras fotos a sus gentes: Resulta que les encantan, algunos posan y todo. Mezquita Jama Masjid, la más grande de la India, con capacidad para 25.000 personas. La “mezquita de los viernes”, donde hay que descalzarse para entrar. Tumba de Humayun (entrada 250 rs), construida para Haji Begum, la esposa principal de Humayun. Otras muchas salpican el recinto, entre ellas la del barbero favorito del emperador. Lodi Garden. Última parada de nuestro recorrido, entrada gratuita. Un parque tranquilo e ideal para relajarse del estrés de la gran ciudad
The corners of the incombustible Delhi. Market Chandni Chowk, whose literal translation is "instead of moonlight" and takes its name from that in the time of Shah Jahan, crossed the center channel and the moon reflected in water at night. There we found all kinds of positions, including watch repair, wedding invitations, flip flops repairs ... We make our first photos of its people: It turns out that love them, some perch and all. Jama Masjid Mosque, the largest in India, with a capacity for 25,000 people. The "Friday mosque", where you must remove your shoes to enter. Humayun's Tomb (input 250 rs) built for Haji Begum, Humayun's senior wife. Many other dot the grounds, including the Emperor's favorite barber. Lodi Garden. Last stop on our tour, free admission. A quiet park where you can relax from the stress of the big city
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Jama Masjid is in front of the Red Fort...

Jama Masjid está en frente del fuerte ...

Jama Masjid está en frente del fuerte rojo de Delhi, cerca de Chandni Chowk, en el barrio de Old Delhi. Se puede visitar, bajando a la parada de metro de Chawri Bazaar. Es la mezquita más grande de la India, y un paso obligado para los turistas. La entrada es gratuita, pero si quieres entrar con tu cámara digital tendrás que pagar 200 rupias. Puedes agregar otras 20 para tener el derecho de subir del minarete. Es difícil, las gradas son estrechas, pero arriba tienes una preciosa vista sobre la ciudad, el recinto de la mezquita y del fuerte rojo. Los visitantes tienen que respetar el lugar sagrado, cubriéndose las espaldas y las piernas, y si no tienes nada para ponerte, puedes alquilar una bufanda, pero hay bastante lugares donde te servirá así que es mejor llevar siempre una en la mochila. También hay que dejar sus zapatos en la entrada. La mezquita abre de las 7 de la mañana hasta la puesta del sol. Los horarios de visita están fuera de las horas de rezo.
Jama Masjid is in front of the Red Fort of Delhi, near Chandni Chowk in Old Delhi neighborhood. You can visit, decreasing to stop Chawri Bazaar meter. Ms is the largest mosque in India, and a must for tourists step. Admission is free, but if you want to enter with your digital camera tendrs to pay 200 rupees. You can add another 20 to have the right to climb the minaret. It is difficult, the stands are narrow, but above have a beautiful view over the city, the site of the mosque and the Red Fort. Visitors must respect the sacred place, cubrindose the backs and legs, and if you have nothing to wear, you can rent a scarf, but there are enough places where you serve so it's best to always carry a backpack. Also you have to leave your shoes at the entrance. The mosque is open from 7 in the morning until sunset. Visiting hours estn outside the hours of prayer.
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Very Muslims hahaha .......

Muy musulmanes jajajajaja.......

Aún estoy subiendo las escaleras no he entrado y me siento observado por los musulmanos de dentro,he puesto una foto. Me descalzo se paga por la cámara de fotos y me visto con un blusón turquesa que me cubre las rodillas,que abajo esta el pantalón vaquero y me cubro la cabeza con un pañuelo como he hecho en tantos países islamicos antes,pues no podía entrar necesitaba ponerme una especie de túnica como la de los nazarenos que van por semana santa aquí en Sevilla con las cofradias y no precisaba cubrirme la cabeza !Qué raro¡, reconozco que es preciosa y amplia. ¡Ah! Recuerdo que leí una viajera de minube que se pusieran pareo yo lo llevaba porque y largo tampoco quería solo esa túnica y hay que pagar por ponersela.
I'm still climbing the stairs in and I have not noticed by the Moslems feel inside, I have a photo. Barefoot I paid for my camera and saw a turquoise blouse that covers my knees, that's the jeans down and cover my head with a scarf as I have in many Islamic countries before, because I could not get needed wear a tunic like the Nazarenes who go here in Seville Holy Week with the brotherhoods and did not need to cover my head!'s weird, I recognize that it is beautiful and spacious. Ah! I remember reading a traveler put minube that I wore shorts and long because I did not want that robe and only have to pay for to making it.
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Prayer not dranger

Prière de ne pas déranger

En entrant dans cette mosquée ( en chaussette bien sûr !) le visiteur se retrouve immergé au sein de la culture indienne. Il peut, entre-autre, entr'apercevoir au détour des quelques sales de prières de cette mosquée, les rythmes en vigueur des nombreux croyants. Il est essentiel de visiter ce lieu de culte avec beaucoup de discrétion et de respect afin de profiter au maximum de cette découverte au coeur de la société indienne.
Upon entering the mosque (in sock course) the visitor finds himself immersed in the Indian culture. It may inter-another glimpse at the corner of some dirty prayers of the mosque, the rhythms of many believers in force. It is essential to visit this place of worship with great discretion and respect in order to make the most of this discovery in the heart of Indian society.
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This mosque is the largest in India, is...

Esta mezquita es la mayor de la India,...

Esta mezquita es la mayor de la India, está en Old Delhi, enfrente del Fuerte Rojo. La entrada es gratuita pero hay que pagar creo que son 200 rupias por entrar con la cámara de fotos. Al ser una mezquita hay que cumplir unas normas como llevar cubierta la espalda y las piernas, si no llevas nada con qué taparte lo puedes alquilar allí mismo.
This mosque is the largest in India, is in Old Delhi, just opposite the Red Fort. Admission is free but you have to pay 200 rupees I think they are about to enter the camera. Being a mosque must meet standards take cover as the back and legs, if you do not bring anything to cover yourself so you can rent there.
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The Friday Mosque

La mezquita del viernes

Sin duda esta gran mezquita es el corazón del mundo musulmán en Delhi. Se encuentra muy cerca de Chandni Chowk y del fuerte rojo, y el acceso a ella es gratuito, aunque hay que dejar fuera los zapatos, ir correctamente vestido y pagar por la cámara de fotos. Una cosa que merece hacer es subir al minarete abierto al público, pero ojo, porque a mujeres solas no las está permitido.
Surely this great mosque is the heart of the Muslim world in Delhi. It is very near Chandni Chowk and Red Fort, and access to it is free, although you have to leave out shoes, and dress properly and pay for the photo camera. One thing you should do is climb the minaret open to the public, but be careful, because women alone is not allowed.
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The mosque Friday

La mosquée du vendredi

Jama Masjid, comme on l’appelle ici, est un des sites les plus impressionnants de Delhi. Il fait véritablement partie des immanquables. L’entrée y est gratuite mais il faudra payer si vous voulez rentrer avec votre appareil photo (cela inclut votre téléphone portable) ainsi que si vous voulez aller apprécier la vue depuis le haut du minaret. D’en bas, la vue est déjà sympathique, notamment sur le fort rouge.
Jama Masjid, as lappelle here is one of the most impressive sights of Delhi. He vritablement of the inevitable. Lentre is free but you have to pay if you want to go with your camera (this includes your cell phone) and if you want to apprcier the view from the top of the minaret. Den low, the view is nice dj, including the Red Fort.
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Jama Masjid

Jama Masjid

Muito próximo do Red Fort em Delhi . Vale à pena a visita, na entrada exigiam umas tantas rupias para quem tinha qualquer aparelho que gravasse vídeo. Acabei pagando para ir até um dos minaretes da mesquita, a escada é muito estreita e mesmo com um tempo de espera para entrar umas escadas que são estreitas para 1 uma pessoa para 2 pessoas ainda mais. No norte da Índia a presença muçulmana é maior que no sul, pelo que li é a maior mesquita da Índia e que está no começo de uma rua muito movimenta de Delhi.
Very near the Red Fort in Delhi. It's worth the visit, the entrance demanded one who had many rupees for any device to record video. I ended up paying to go to one of the minarets of the mosque, the ladder is very close and even with a waiting time to enter stairs that are narrow for 1 person for 2 people even more. In northern India the Muslim presence is greater than in the south, from what I read is the largest mosque in India and that is the beginning of a very street moves from Delhi.
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The main mosque in Delhi

La mezquita principal de Delhi

Una de las mayores mezquitas del mundo, mezcla de estilos mogol e hindú. Como en cualquier otra mezquita es necesario cubrirse para entrar si llevamos ropa ligera, pero ellos mismos te facilitan un especie de "poncho". También hay que descalzarse, incluso aunque este lloviendo y tengas que caminar por el amplio patio entre charcos. Cerca tenemos el Fuerte Rojo y uno de los más populares mercados de Delhi.
One of the biggest mosques in the world, a mixture of Mughal and Hindu styles. As in any other mosque is necessary to enter if we covered light clothing, but they themselves will provide one kind of "poncho". You also have to remove your shoes, even if it is raining and you have to walk through the large patio in pools. Nearby we have the Red Fort and one of the most popular markets in Delhi.
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Information about Jama Masjid