Juan Manuel Moreno
13th and 14th century
I passed the mirror and got inside the entrance hall to the museum, quite large but also welcoming. I paid for my ticket. It is a week day at the end of autumn and there are not many people. I start walking towards the room of the Italian primitive painters on the first floor.
The size and the luminosity of the room is stunning compared to the dimensions of the works exhibited. Works by Pietro de Rimini, Bernardo Daddi, Ugolino de Nerio, Duccio de Buoninsegna hang from the walls. By the latter artist, there is also a small board of about 50x50cm entitled "Christ and the Samaritan" striking me.
Duccio, born in Siena (Italy) around 1260, was a painter, miniaturist and author of altar boards.
In 1308, he received an order: to compose the "pedrella" of the high altar of the Cathedral of Siena, of which the board belongs. On the left, the Christ is sitting on the octagonal curb of a well and is looking at the Samaritan who has a vertical picture on her head, in order to enhance the perspective of the painting. It literally looks as if he was talking to her. On the right, the walled city of Samara. Some apostles are getting out through one of the doors, listening to the conversation. It literally looks as if they were listening. The golden background of the table takes us closer to God.
The Christ is in Samara for some time. He will continue his trip. And we will continue ours.
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