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2 reviews of Hora

Overhead, the capital

En lo alto, la capital

La ves al llegar y te dices bueno quien sube a ella andando, pues cuesta menos de lo que esperaba subir a lo alto a Hora o Chora, la capital bizantina de Patmos. En sus tiempos conquistada por venecianos, luego por turcos para pasar a formar parte de las isla del Dodecaneso . Su fortaleza, majestuosa, imponente monasterio en piedra coronando la colina sobre el puerto, con muros y almenas que protegían la iglesia del interior y sus cinco capillas. Donde se encuentra un tesoro en iconos bizantinos, vasos sagrados, objetos valiosos. Sera en su biblioteca con pergaminos,manuscritos y sellos . Las casas se desparraman tan blancas entre callejuelas de piedra, llenas de gatos que merecen ser exploradas. Así se va descubriendo iglesias con cúpulas en ladrillo de estilo mudéjar o casas señoriales con escudos venecianos de la época de auge económico. Ya en el Kastelli, se tienen unas vistas impresionantes, a un lado tres molinos con aspas recogidas casi siempre dan muestra de la actividad que tuvieron en otros tiempos. Es un buen lugar para ver atardecer sin duda . Un lugar con muchas tiendas de comercio, sobre todo cerámica bonita y ropa de hogar típica de la isla.
You see when you arrive and you say well who walk up to it, as it costs less than I expected to climb to the top Time or Chora, the Byzantine capital of Patmos. In his time conquered by Venetians, then by Turks to become part of the Dodecanese islands. His strength, majestic, imposing stone monastery crowning the hill above the harbor, with walls and battlements that protect the church from within and its five chapels. Where there is a treasure in Byzantine icons, sacred vessels, valuables. Will be in your library with scrolls, manuscripts and seals. The houses are scattered among so white stone streets, full of cats that are worth exploring. As it is discovered churches in brick domes or seoriales mudjar style Venetian houses with little shields of economic boom. Already in the Kastelli, you have stunning views aside three mills with blades almost always give sample collected from the activity that had in the past. It is a good place to see sunset for sure. A place with many shops trade, especially beautiful pottery and clothing tpica island home.
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With its houses and churches,...

Avec ses maisons et ses églises ...

Avec ses maisons et ses églises blanchies à la chaux, blotties au pied du monastère fortifié, Hora est assurément un des plus beaux villages du Dodécanèse. Il domine l'île de sa beauté intemporelle. Se promener dans ses rues aux murs austères n'est pas sans charme : les maisons ne sont pas ouvertes, mais vivent derrière leurs murs blancs d'où émerge rarement le sommet d'un bougainvilliée. Au dessus des portes, frontons de pierre sculptés de la croix dite de Malte. Austère aussi la place de l'hôtel de ville ; seules, deux ou trois placettes s'ouvrent avec les chaises accueillantes des tavernes.
With its houses and churches, whitewashed, nestled at the foot of the fortified monastery Hora is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful villages of the Dodecanese. It overlooks the island of timeless beauty. Walking through its streets with austere walls is not without its charm: the houses are not open, but live behind their white walls which rarely emerges atop a bougainvilliée. Above the doors, carved stone pediments of the so-called Malta cross. As austere place of the town hall and only two or three plots open with cozy chairs taverns.
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