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Highland Games in Bridge of Allan

2 reviews of Highland Games in Bridge of Allan

The famous Highlands Games

It's commonly believed that the famous Highlands Games are celebrated only once a year in Scotland. This is not true, however. From the end of June these games are celebrated in most Scottish towns until well into the month of September. In August one year, we were in Bridge of Allan where the games were being celebrated in conjunction with the Local Fair. This is something that has been repeated annually for centuries. Bands or clan parades, mixed with purely athletic activities, dancing and the main attraction of the event, strength tests where the only condition to perform is the wearing of the kilt.

Along with all this fun, there are many places to eat and drink, which makes it a really fun day and I recommend it to all tourists who pass through this area during the summer months (you can find dates on the internet). At least we had a great time and that's why we recommend it!!
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Rompo una lanza a favor de lo que Quintana comenta sobre los Highland Games, este año tuve la suerte de poder pasar unos días en Escocia y por conveniencia de fechas me acerque a estos juegos en Bridge of Allan y pude observar un fantástico espectáculo, en la que se hacia notoria la felicidad que la comunidad tenia por dicho evento. Pocas veces he visto que una tradición sea tan fiel a sus orígenes pese al paso de los años. La mayor parte de la gente vestía el atuendo tradicional con el kilt, lo que le daba un toque aun mas especial, además lo vestían con orgullo. Debemos saber que antiguamente los dibujos del kilt representaban a un clan y todos los miembros del mismo clan llevaban los mismos colores, igual que entonces hoy en día, los representantes de los mismos colegios, institutos o grupos, visten iguales. Tengo que añadir además que muchos de estos trajes tradicionales me parecen lo mas elegante que estos ojos han visto. Sobre los juegos encontramos competiciones como bandas, lucha, carreras, bicicleta, danzas tradicionales y la mejor de todas, la competición de fuerza. Es alucinante ver como unos tíos enormes lanzan troncos por el aire. Subiré alguna foto para que podáis quedaros igual de perplejos que yo cuando lo vi. Cierto es que existen estos juegos por muchos pueblos de Escocia durante todo el verano, pero yo recomiendo estos porque puedes completar el día con la visita al Wallace Monument o el Castillo de Stirling.
I break a lance in favor of what Quintana says of the Highland Games, this year I had the good fortune to spend a few days in Scotland and for convenience of dates I approach these games in Bridge of Allan and I saw a fantastic show in the is towards happiness notorious that the community had for this event. I've rarely seen that a tradition is so true to its origins despite the passing years. Most people wore traditional attire with kilt, which gave him an extra special touch, and wore it proudly. We know that ancient drawings representing a clan kilt and all members of the same clan wore the same colors as then today, representatives of the same schools, institutes or groups, dress alike. I have to add that many of these traditional costumes seem as elegant as these eyes have seen. Find competitions on games as bands, fight, racing, cycling, traditional dances and the best of all, the competition of strength. It's amazing to see how some guys throwing huge logs through the air. I will upload a photo so you can quedaros equally perplexed when I saw him. It is true that these games exist for many Scottish towns throughout the summer, but I recommend these because you can end the day with a visit to the Wallace Monument and Stirling Castle.
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Information about Highland Games in Bridge of Allan