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Hangzhou Address

12 reviews of Hangzhou

A haven for Chinese fleeing the big cities

Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province in eastern China, about 190 kilometers from Shanghai. Hangzhou has no more and no less than 6 million people, although this is a small thing for China . The country has over 1.300 million. Hangzhou is one of the most touristic cities in China. On the weekends the place is full of Shanghainese fleeing stressful life in the big city and looking for a little peace in the West Lake, one of the main attractions of Hangzhou and the most famous lake in the country. Its lovely pagodas, temples, the typical Chinese haze, hills, weeping willows on the banks of the lake and the many bikes make this place one of the gateways in the Asian giant.

The famous Venetian traveler Marco Polo visited the city in the 13th century and said that she was one of the most magnificent in the world had seen. From Shanghai there are numerous trains to Hangzhou from South Station.
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Relaxing place, extremely polite people.


China lady


Heaven on earth

Il paradiso sulla terra

Denominata da molti "Heaven on Earth" questa città della Cina del centro-sud è la capitale della regione del Zhejiang e ambita meta turistica. Lontana meno di 200 km dalla moderna e caotica Shanghai è raggiungibile da essa in treno in poche ore di viaggio e presenta un clima estremamente umido a causa del lago sulle sponde del quale sorge la città, il West Lake. La natura presente in questa città è ricca e rigogliosa e gli scorci fotografici davvero non mancano, soprattutto per gli amanti della fotografia per così dire floreale e paesaggistica. Le attrazioni turistiche di maggior rilievo sono la tomba del generale Yue Fei, la Pagoda delle sei armonie e il tempio Ling Yin. Vi sono inoltre musei che rappresentano e caratterizzano la cultura cinese come il museo del tè e il museo della seta. I cibi di questa città sono sofisticati, complessi da preparare e influenzati dalla vicina regione del Sichuan e fra i piatti più tipici vi è di certo il pesce di acqua dolce. Un bellissimo tour in barca di certo vi farà piacere, sia per godere del fresco venticello fra i capelli, sia per ammirare la città e i principali monumenti da diversi e interessanti scorci. E' una città da vivere in totale relax, lontano dal caos urbano, dove fare qualche compera nei numerosi negozi di antiquariato, passeggiare sulle sponde del lago e passare la serata davanti ad una tazza di tè, magari un tipico Longjing. Perfetto per rigenerarsi!
Called by many "Heaven on Earth" this city of south-central China is the capital of the region of Zhejiang and sought after tourist destination. Far less than 200 km from the modern and bustling Shanghai can be reached by train from it in a few hours travel and has an extremely humid climate because of the lake which lies on the banks of the city, the West Lake. The nature in this city is rich and lush and the views photographic really out there, especially for lovers of photography, so to speak floral and landscape. The most important tourist attractions are the tomb of General Yue Fei, the Six Harmonies Pagoda and the Ling Yin Temple. There are also museums that represent and characterize the Chinese culture as the tea museum and the museum of silk. The food in this city are sophisticated, complex to prepare and influenced by neighboring Sichuan region and among the most typical dishes there is certainly the fresh water fish. A beautiful boat tour for sure you will be pleased, and to enjoy the cool breeze in your hair, is to see the city and the main monuments from different and interesting views. It 'a city to live in total relaxation, away from the urban chaos, where do some shopping in the numerous antique shops, stroll on the banks of the lake and spend the evening in front of a cup of tea, maybe a typical Longjing. Perfect to rejuvenate!
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West Lake (Xi Hu)

Lago del Oeste (Xi Hu)

Si los jardines de China son preciosos, los jardines con lago lo son más aún. Este gran lago tiene diversos diques y algunas pequeñas islas como al sur, la de Xiaoying Zhou. a la que se llega en una pintoresca barca-casa de madera- Ojo: cuando hablan por megafonia avisan (en chino) de la partida del último barco...(menos mal que el de seguridad en bici, "registra" la isla en busca de despistadas a las que como nosotras, rescatar solicitando otra barca vía walki-talki). Al sur de la isla hay tres stupas de piedra, llamados las "Tres Torres que reflejan la Luna", ya que se dice que por los huecos redondos, a modo de linternas, se reflejan 15 veces sobre el lago, acompañando a la luna cuando también se refleja. Al sur, ya en tierra firme se encuentra la Pagoda de las Seis Armonías que, antiguamente, servía de faro al tráfico fluvial.
If China's gardens are beautiful, the gardens are indeed lake. This large lake has several dams and some small islands south of Zhou Xiaoying. to which comes in a quaint wooden boat-house-eye: when speaking over loudspeakers notified (in Chinese) of the departure of the last boat ... (luckily the bike safety, "registers" the island in looking clueless to those like us, rescue boat requesting another via walkie-talkie). To the south of the island there are three stone stupas, called the "Tres Torres reflecting the moon", as it is said that by round holes, like a flashlight, are reflected on the lake 15 times, accompanying the moon when also reflected. South, and on land is the Pagoda of Six Harmonies that formerly served as a beacon to river traffic.
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Hangzhou is quite close to Shanghai (1 hour by train from Hongqiao station)

Hangzhou está bastante cerca de Shanghai (1 hora en tren desde la estación de Hongqiao)

Nosotros estuvimos un día, en el que nos dio tiempo a visitar el West lake (existe una réplica en el Summer Palace de Beijing) y hacer algunas compras en Hefhang. Hanqzhou nos gustó bastante pero nos quedamos con ganas de ver los humedales Xixi y el templo Linying, por lo que recomiendo pasar una noche para sacarle todo el partido a la ciudad y hacer las visitas tranquilamente.
Hangzhou is quite close to Shanghai (1 hour by train from Hongqiao station) We stayed one day, where we had time to visit the West Lake (there is a replica in the Summer Palace of Beijing) and do some shopping in Hefhang . Hanqzhou we liked it a lot but we were looking forward to seeing the Xixi wetlands and the Linying temple so I recommend spending a night to get the most out of the city and make the visits quietly.
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Si algún día visitas China no puedes dejar de visitar esta maravillosa ciudad que posee un hermoso lago que se expande entre montañas, árboles, templos y pagodas. Esta es solo una de ellas.
If one day you visit China you can not miss this wonderful city with a beautiful lake that expands the mountains, trees, temples and pagodas. This is just one of them.
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7 harmonies Pagoda

Pagoda de las 7 armonias

Pagoda de las 7 armonias
7 harmonies Pagoda
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Tradition and modernity.

Tradicion y modernidad.

Foto casual
Casual photo
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It is a beautiful and romantic city.

Es una ciudad hermosa y romántica.

Hangzhou es conocido como " Paraiso de la Tierra".
Hangzhou is known as "Paradise on Earth".
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Quiet and chaotic city at the same time

Ciudad caótica y tranquila a la vez

Hangzhou es una ciudad de doble faceta: puede ser caótica por el gran trafico, como todas las ciudades de China, y por la gran densidad de población. También puede ser muy tranquila en las islas del grande lago y en las calles del casco antiguo.
Hangzhou is a city of double facet: it can be chaotic by the great traffic, like all the cities of China, and by the great densidad of population. It can also be very quiet on the islands of the large lake and on the streets of the old town.
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Spectacular night tour

Paseo nocturno espectacular

Paseo nocturno espectacular
Spectacular night tour
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