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Clement House (Habitation Clement)

7 reviews of Clement House (Habitation Clement)

Visit not to be missed during your stay...

Visita da non perdere durante il...

Visita da non perdere durante il soggiorno in Martinica, questa antica dimora creola si trova al centro di una tenuta di campagna nel comune agricolo di Saint Francois, un bellissimo parco di 17 ettari, con piante e fiori tropicali. La sua storia ha inizio nella metà del 19° secolo, quando monsieur Clement s’installò qui con la famiglia e cominciò la sua attività di coltivatore della canna da zucchero. Oggi la villa è stata interamente ristrutturata ed aperta al pubblico, dichiarata Monumento Storico dal ministero della Cultura francese. Sono visitabili tutte le stanze private, le camere da letto con arredi originali, l’ampia sala da pranzo con le grandi vetrate, ed i suoi annessi, come le cucine con arnesi dell’epoca e le scuderie. Una parte degli edifici annessi ospitano a volte delle mostre ed esposizioni. La distilleria è da qualche anno nuovamente in funzione, e produce uno dei rhum “vieux” (cioè invecchiati) più prestigiosi della Martinica, il Rhum Clement. Molto interessante da visitare è anche lo spazio dedicato agli antichi macchinari industriali per la distillazione della canna da zucchero, osservabili sia all’interno della distilleria antica, che nel parco della tenuta, come per esempio il trenino che serviva per il trasporto dei materiali. Dulcis in fundo, non si può non fermarsi allo shop della distilleria, in cui si possono degustare ed acquistare i vari tipi di rhum e ce n’è per tutte le tasche: I prezzi vanno dalla più “economica” a 40 euro fino agli 800 euro a bottiglia! Aperto tutti i giorni con orario continuato.
Visit not to be missed during your stay in Martinique, this old Creole is located at the center of a country estate in the agricultural town of Saint Francois, a beautiful park of 17 hectares, with tropical plants and flowers. His story begins in the mid-19th century, when Monsieur Clement s'installò here with family and began his work as a grower of sugar cane. Today, the villa has been fully restored and open to the public, declared a Historical Monument by the French Ministry of Culture. Are open to all private rooms, bedrooms with original furnishings, the spacious dining room with large windows, and its outbuildings, such as kitchens with tools of the time and the stables. A part of the outbuildings of the house sometimes shows and exhibitions. The distillery is from a few years back on again, and produces one of the rum "vieux" (ie aged), the most prestigious of Martinique, Rhum Clement. Very interesting place to visit is also a space dedicated to the ancient industrial machinery for the distillation of sugar cane, observable both within the old distillery, which in the grounds of the estate, such as the train that was used for the transport of materials. Last but not least, you can not stop at the distillery shop, where you can taste and buy different types of rum and there is something for every budget: Prices range from the most "economic" to 40 € up to 800 euro a bottle! Open every day without a lunch break.
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The house of Rhum

La casa del Rhum

In una giornata in cui il sole proprio non voleva saperne di uscire, siamo andati a visitare questa antica distilleria di rhum. Immerso tra piantagioni di banane e rigogliosi palmeti si trova la distilleria Habitation Clement il cui rhum è famoso in tutto il mondo. Un percorso guidato con audioguide, in italiano solo cartacea, dura circa un ora e si può visitare la vecchia fabbrica di rhum con i vari macchinari, i giardini con anche della canna da zucchero e la casa creola. Dove vengono ospitati i vari capi di stato che visitano Martinica. Ci sono infatti delle foto che ritraggono i presidenti francese e americano. Al termine della visita si possono degustare diverse tipologie di rhum. Di questi ci sono vari prezzi da poche decine di euro a più di mille per i più pregiati. L'ingresso per gli adulti è di 12 euro i bambini da 7 a 17anni 6,60 i bambini sotto i 7 anni sono gratutiti.
On a day when the sun just did not want to go out, we went to visit this old rum distillery. Surrounded by banana plantations and lush palm groves lies the distillery Habitation Clement whose rum is famous all over the world. A guided tour with audio guides in Italian only on paper, takes about an hour and you can visit the old rum factory with the various machines, the gardens also with sugar cane and Creole house. Where are hosted various heads of state who visit Martinique. There are indeed of pictures depicting the French and American presidents. At the end of the visit you can taste different types of rum. Of these there are various prices from a few dozen to several thousand euro for the most valuable. Admission for adults is € 12 children from 7 to 17 years 6.60 children under 7 years old are seeker free.
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What to do!

A faire!

C’est une activité typique à faire quand on visite l’île : une rhumerie ! L’habitation Clément est un grand domaine alors prevoyez l’après-midi. On commence par une balade dans un grand parc aux variétés diverses d’arbres et fleurs. On passe dans le hangar aux machines à distiller le rhum et on en profite pour s’abriter de la petite tempête. On visite l’habitation surplombant le domaine avec candeur. Et on termine bien sûr par le moment tant attendu : la dégustation de rhum et les achats !
This is a typical activity to do when visiting the island: a distillery! The house Clément is a great area then are planning afternoon. It starts with a ride in a large park with various species of trees and flowers. It happens in the hangar machines distilling rum and the opportunity to shelter from the small storm. We visit the home overlooking the area with candor. And of course it ends well for the long-awaited moment: the rum tasting and shopping!
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A must visit in Martinique, Habitation...

Un détour incontournable en martinique, ...

Un détour incontournable en martinique, l'Habitation Clément. Ce musée du Rhum est certainement le plus interessant de l'île et le plus visité. Mitterand, Chirac et de nombreuses personnalités y ont d'ailleurs été invitées comme vous pourrez voir sur les photos présentées dans l'ancienne demeure de maître. Au cœur des plantations de cannes à sucre, vous pourrez visiter l'ancienne distillerie restaurée en 2005, ainsi que plusieurs salles d'art où exposent différents artistes contemporains pour la Fondation Clément.
A must visit in Martinique, Habitation Clement. The Museum of Rum is certainly the most interesting of the island and the most visited. Mitterrand, Chirac and many personalities have also been invited as you can see from the pictures presented in the old mansion. At the heart of sugar cane plantations, you can visit the restored old distillery in 2005, as well as several art rooms where various contemporary artists exhibit for Clement Foundation.
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Beautiful area.

Très bel endroit.

La faune et la flore nous fait découvrir beaucoup les bons côtés pour que l’on se sente bien. L’habitation Clément est un endroit touristique à ne pas manquer!
Beautiful area. The fauna and flora makes us discover many good things to make you feel good. The Clément habitation is a tourist place not to be missed!
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House to visit

Habitation à visiter

Habitation à visiter prévoyez de l’eau et n’hésitez pas à faire les beaux jardins.
Home to visit plan water and do not hesitate to make beautiful gardens.
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Full visit and bar shop well supplied.

Visite très complète et boutique bar bien fournie.

Visite très complète et boutique bar bien fournie.
very complete visit and well-stocked bar shop
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Information about Clement House (Habitation Clement)