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[{"Comment":{"id":"1868293","total_score":"27","content":"The Wood Pigeon is a large complex located on the eponymous island. It has three rooms with three different atmospheres. Many international renowned dj there are also often sessions mix.De anyway, you do not have to choose because you can flip back and forth from one room to another. Often there are erasmus evening at 5 euros per person","title":"So we dance","hidden":0,"post_time":"2012-04-16 15:10:12","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Le Ramier est un vaste complexe situ\u00e9e sur l'\u00eele \u00e9ponyme. Il comprend 3 salles avec 3 ambiances diff\u00e9rentes. De nombreux dj internationaux de renom y font d'ailleurs souvent des sessions de mix.De toute fa\u00e7on, vous n'avez pas \u00e0 choisir, car vous pouvez naviguer \u00e0 votre gr\u00e9 d'une salle \u00e0 l'autre. Souvent il y a des soiree erasmus \u00e0 5 euros par personne","original_title":"Alors on dance"},"User":{"id":"5092198","name":"valentina d'acquisto","username":"valentinadacquisto","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5092198_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7465022","hashcode":"07d8587491357f569be1e06e3964205f","post_time":"2012-04-16 15:10:12","o_width":"4320","o_height":"3240","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7465023","hashcode":"fd8c9b76cfcdf25ba3c5828630133ae8","post_time":"2012-04-16 15:10:12","o_width":"4320","o_height":"3240","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]
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7 reviews of Gruyères

Typical Charming Swiss Village

Gruyères is a village that's a little over 100 kilometers away from Geneva. It's a charming town, it's the birthplace of the cheese of the same name, as you might have guessed. Located in the district of Gruyère, lies amid idyllic, surrounded by mountains that make you think of "Heidi." There are cobbled streets, typical Swiss houses, cows and of course a lot of Gruyère cheese, which doesn't have holes in it, that's usually Swiss cheese, but contrary to what we might think, the real Swiss cheese has almost no holes!


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[{"Comment":{"id":"1868293","total_score":"27","content":"The Wood Pigeon is a large complex located on the eponymous island. It has three rooms with three different atmospheres. Many international renowned dj there are also often sessions mix.De anyway, you do not have to choose because you can flip back and forth from one room to another. Often there are erasmus evening at 5 euros per person","title":"So we dance","hidden":0,"post_time":"2012-04-16 15:10:12","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"Le Ramier est un vaste complexe situ\u00e9e sur l'\u00eele \u00e9ponyme. Il comprend 3 salles avec 3 ambiances diff\u00e9rentes. De nombreux dj internationaux de renom y font d'ailleurs souvent des sessions de mix.De toute fa\u00e7on, vous n'avez pas \u00e0 choisir, car vous pouvez naviguer \u00e0 votre gr\u00e9 d'une salle \u00e0 l'autre. Souvent il y a des soiree erasmus \u00e0 5 euros par personne","original_title":"Alors on dance"},"User":{"id":"5092198","name":"valentina d'acquisto","username":"valentinadacquisto","has_avatar":"1","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/5092198_80x80.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"7465022","hashcode":"07d8587491357f569be1e06e3964205f","post_time":"2012-04-16 15:10:12","o_width":"4320","o_height":"3240","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"7465023","hashcode":"fd8c9b76cfcdf25ba3c5828630133ae8","post_time":"2012-04-16 15:10:12","o_width":"4320","o_height":"3240","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":"5"}]

Information about Gruyères