Gallery of Evolution
This greenhouse in Kew Gardens offers a journey into geological history. From boiling mud lakes to the first plants, when there was no oxygen on earth. Life begins 3.5 billion years ago, with a single cell that begins to evolve. In the greenhouse, you can see the cooksonia, probably the first land plants. The tour is very well prepared for the children, who receive a book to come in, that explains the eruptions of volcanoes, the life of the dinosaurs and the evolution of plants. In the Jurassic era, are conifers, and at the time of the Cretaceous, the plants begin to have a few small pale flowers, then take colors, a few million years later.
Dinosaurs disappear. Then comes the Tertiary period, of at least 60 at least 2 million years, with the earliest forms of primates and then humans. When you leave, you feel very small.
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