julian espinoza
Galaxy Tome
The weather was not on our side that day but the beauty was ever present. We began the tour climbing up the hill located next to the beach "El Morro." From here you can see Concepción Bay, Quiriquina Island and part of Cocholgue Cove. We were unable to watch the delightful sunset, because as I had mentioned before, the day was cloudy, but that did not matter much to determined adventurers unwilling to give up. Coming down the hill we came to the hotel area at the back of El Morro resort from which you could see the waves crashing on coastal rocks. From there you can also see the two old Tomé piers, which today seem dormant amidst the insistent waves, in brutal contrast to what was the first textile port of Chile.
Then we walked a few meters to the recently rennovated beach of the same name, now fully catering for tourists with its hotels, cabins, spas and thalassotherapy centers, all contributing to an ever growing tourist offer. Shared Cloud, article written by Joaquin Espinoza.
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