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Fragata ARA Sarmiento

(0)11 4585 0152
(0)11 4585 0152
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11 reviews of Fragata ARA Sarmiento

La Fragata Sarmiento was built in...

La Fragata Sarmiento fue construida en...

La Fragata Sarmiento fue construida en Gran Bretaña a fines del siglo XIX por encargo del gobierno argentino, y su botadura se produjo el 31 de agosto de 1897. Funcionó desde 1898 a 1939 en que dejó de realizar travesías internacionales y permaneció en la División de Instrucción de la Escuela Naval Militar, al servicio de viajes cortos de instrucción para los cadetes hasta 1961. A partir de diciembre de ese año fue convertida en Buque Museo de la Armada Argentina, la Fragata conserva el mobiliario original y son exhibidas fotos de sus travesías y de su historia como embajadora internacional de la Argentina. Fue uno de los buques-escuela de la Armada e hizo 39 viajes a través de todos los mares del mundo. En 1962 fue declarada Monumento Histórico Nacional. Se puede visitar de domingos a viernes en el horario de 9 a 22 hs y los sábados de 9 a 23 hs. Para visitas guiadas solicitar informes a la teléfono +54(11) 43349389. Este es otro de los lugares que descubrí [poi=121605] Paseando por Puerto Madero[/poi] y en este mimos Dique está el [poi=129456] Yacht Club [/poi] La ubicación, el teléfono y el Código Postal son los de la Fragata Sarmiento. La web es del Sitio Oficial de Turismo de la ciudad, sito en Balcarce 360. Piso 2, frente
La Fragata Sarmiento was built in Britain in the late nineteenth century commissioned by the Argentine government, and its launching took place on August 31, 1897. He worked from 1898 to 1939 in which stopped making international voyages and remained in the Division of Instruction of the Naval Academy, serving short trips of instruction for the cadets until 1961. from that December was converted into Ship Museum Argentina Navy, the frigate retains the original furniture and are displayed photos of their journeys and its history as an international ambassador of Argentina. It was one of the training ships of the Navy and made 39 trips across the seas of the world. In 1962 it was declared a National Historic Landmark. You can visit Sunday to Friday between the hours of 9-22 pm and on Saturdays from 9 to 23 hs. For guided request reports from the phone +54 (11) 43349389. This is another place I discovered Walking in Puerto Madero Dique and in this pampering is the Yacht Club location visits, telephone and ZIP code are those of the Fragata Sarmiento. The web is the Official Site of Tourism of the city, located in Balcarce 360. Stage 2, front
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A lesson of history in Puerto Madero

Uma aula de história em Puerto Madero

Ir para Buenos Aires não significa necessariamente que o brasileiro só vai querer fazer compras e encher as malas de roupas e alfajores, já que a valorização do real tem aumentado cada vez mais o número de falantes da língua portuguesa na capital argentina. Buenos Aires é também um grande centro de cultura. Não é à toa que seja quase impossível sair de lá sem assistir pelo menos a um belo show de tango ou ir a uma boa exposição no Museu de Belas Artes. Além disso, a história do país é muito rica e em Puerto Madero é possível presenciar isso. Andando pelo local, é fácil de encontrar a Fragata Presidente Sarmiento, um museu incrível. Fabricada na Inglaterra no fim da década de 1890, a fragata viajou a quase 40 países. O ingresso para entrar no museu e desfrutar cada detalhe das instalações custa apenas 2 pesos. A fragata está localizada no Dique III de Puerto Madero. Outra fragata que também fica exposta no local é a Uruguay. Construída em 1874 e museu desde 1952, a fragata foi responsável por fazer um resgate na Antártida. As visitas podem ser feitas de segunda a domingo, das 10h da manhã até às 7h da noite, e o ingresso também custa apenas 2 pesos argentinos.
Go to Buenos Aires does not necessarily mean that the Brazilian will only want to shop and fill your bags of clothes and alfajores, since the real appreciation has grown increasingly the number of Portuguese speakers in the Argentine capital. Buenos Aires is also a major center of culture. No wonder it is almost impossible to leave without seeing at least a beautiful tango show or go to a good exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts. In addition, the country's history is very rich and Puerto Madero is possible to witness this. Walking through the site is easy to find the Frigate President Sarmiento, a museum amazing. Made in England in the late 1890s, the frigate traveled to almost 40 countries. The ticket to enter the museum and enjoy every detail of the facilities costs only 2 pesos. The frigate is located in Puerto Madero Dock III. Another frigate is also on site is exposed to Uruguay. Built in 1874 and the museum since 1952, the frigate was responsible for making a rescue in Antarctica. Visits can be made from Monday to Sunday, from 10 am until 7 pm, and admission also costs only 2 pesos.
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This spectacular three-masted frigate,...

Esta espectacular fragata de tres...

Esta espectacular fragata de tres palos, llamada Presidente Sarmiento, fue el primer buque escuela que tuvo la Argentina. Construida en Inglaterra y botada en 1897, la fragata realizó 39 viajes alrededor del mundo, siempre en misión de paz. Hoy, convertida en museo, la preciosa embarcación está amarrada en el Dique Tres de Puerto Madero, muy cerca del [poi=116642]Puente de la Mujer[/poi]. Visitarla resulta interesante y muy ameno. No sólo su estampa es una belleza, sino que en su interior se exhiben objetos curiosos de sus viajes alrededor del mundo. La Fragata Sarmiento está abierta de lunes a viernes de 9 a 20 hs, y los sábados y domingos de 9 a 22 hs.
This spectacular three-masted frigate, called Presidente Sarmiento, was the first ship school that had the Argentina. Built in England and dumped in 1897, the ship made 39 trips around the world, always on a peace mission. Today, a museum, the beautiful boat is moored in Dock Three of Puerto Madero, near the Puente de la Mujer. Visit interesting and very entertaining. Not only his appearance is a beauty, but curios from his travels around the world are exhibited inside. La Fragata Sarmiento is open Monday to Friday from 9 to 20 pm, and Saturdays and Sundays from 9 to 22 hours.
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Cheap price at the time £ 0.60. Meet ...

Preço barato na época R$ 0,60. Conheça a ...

Preço barato na época R$ 0,60. Conheça a pérola dos navios da argentina. Ele já vez algumas viagens ao redor do mundo, conheça seus compartimentos, tripulação, histórias...
Cheap price at the time £ 0.60. Meet the pearl of ships of the Argentine. He already has made some trips around the world, meet its compartments, crew stories ...
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The environment is beautiful.

El entorno es bonito.

La fragata, está bien mantenida y da una idea sobre la vida de los marinos, quienes navegaban alrededor del mundo.
The frigate is well maintained and gives an idea about the life of the sailors, who sailed around the world.
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Interesting to see the history and reality of times past in the seas


Interessante ver a história e a realidade de tempos passados nos mares.
Interesting to see the history and reality of times past in the seas
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Part of naval history. Majestic yet...

Una parte de historia naval.

Majestuosa y a la vez simple siempre se aprende de las historias de sus viajes.
Part of naval history. Majestic yet simple always learn from the stories of his travels
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A lot of history and the opportunity to know every detail

Mucha historia y la oportunidad de conocer cada detalle

Mucha historia y la oportunidad de conocer cada detalle
A lot of history and the opportunity to know every detail
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Puerto Madero is ideal for a long walk,...

Parar a tomar un café y seguir viaje

Puerto Madero es ideal para una larga caminata.
Puerto Madero is ideal for a long walk, stop for coffee and go on a trip
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Living history

Historia viviente

Historia viviente
Living history
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I had lunch well

Ho pranzato bene

Ho pranzato bene
I had lunch well
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