Fountains of Georgia
The Georgian Fountains are one of the most beloved attractions in the region of Quetzaltenango. To find them, you have to follow the PanAmerican Highway that runs through the city of Xela in the direction of the coast until you reach Zunil. You can ask for them once you get to Zunil because everyone knows where they are. They are a series of fountains, pools and private baths open as hammams that are at the bottom of Volcano Zunil. The heat comes from the volcano which then heats the water. When the water exits, it´s boiling so you have to wait a moment before entering. These fountains were discovered in 1902 and converted into municipal baths.
The entire population of Zunil came to bathe there. Since Quetzaltenango is a cold region, this was a blessing to the people who no longer had to heat water for washing. Today it´s more well taken care of because it has become a tourist attraction. Admission is 20 quetzals per person. There are also bungalows where you can stay the night. The natural environment is beautiful. When there is too much rain, the fountains are closed.
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