l'Ametlla de Mar
A return to history
Un retorno a la historia
Estas fortificaciones se construyeron durante la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939). Estan situadas en el pleno Golfo de Sant Jordi y envueltas de la más exhuberante naturaleza.
Hoy en día estan totalmente remodeladas e incluso se hacen visitas guiadas y las puedes visitar por el interior.
Coast Battery Ametlla de Mar, popularly known as Fortifications, was part of the fortification of the Catalan coast during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), by the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Second Spanish Republic. The location of this military complex is due to its privileged location overlooking the Gulf of Sant Jordi. The battery Ametlla Coast Sea features three shooting platforms to place the shells and 4 tickets in the inner enclosure. Two entries are on the main road and served to supply the magazines and spare rooms. The remaining two are located at the ends of the platform and supplied ammunition shot shells. Behind the shells are two parts which lead to a circular shaft where remaining pods were thrown projectile. The shooting platform also features a drainage system to evacuate trenches excavated stormwater to the sea. The indoor complex served as a bomb shelter for a possible bombing. At the highest level found vent wells and cisterns collecting rain water. www.visitametllademar.com
