Europe's only Tropical Region
Did you know that the Costa Tropical in and around Salobreña, Spain is the only sub-tropical climate in Europe and the only region which produces tropical fruits like bananas, avocados, mangos, guavas, and castor apples? The Finca Matagallares is a great place for nature lovers and those passionate about the environment and sustainability.
The organic farm is run by Miguel, a passionate Andalusian who grows and harvests acres of tropical fruit by hand, with little to no help, not out of hardship but out of passion. And it shows! We took a tour of the farm and ended up sampling some of the delicious local fruit. An amazing variety fo avocado that had an almost peanut-like taste, delicious chirimoyas (castor apples, in English, a Peruvian fruit which is sweet and delicate, almost like a cross between a banana and a melon), and homemade guacamole.