[{"Comment":{"id":"2108541","total_score":"35","content":"The Porta Magna, the front door of the Palace of the Popes. Under a Gothic arch finely sculpted figures of angels which seem to support the weight of the arcs. Five big hollow statues received before, around a pedestal of fantastic animals. Only one remains, and it is quite damaged. During the French Revolution, the people rose up with the idea of \u200b\u200brebelling against the church, and many works of art and places of worship were destroyed. The top therefore lost most of its decorations. In the nineteenth century the chapel was divided into three, to form a dormitory for soldiers and a grand staircase was built to the rooms. After that they turned to opening the door, with the intention of renovating the pieces lost, by building a wall in front.","title":"Fantastic","hidden":"0","post_time":"2009-04-29 11:15:45","lang_flag":"en","original_content":null,"original_title":null},"User":{"id":"44","name":"guanche","username":"guanche","has_avatar":"2","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/44_80x80_2.jpg"},"Pictures":[{"id":"345339","hashcode":"eda2fba6466b5e33f3eb3bcbf27bbddd","post_time":"2009-04-29 11:11:21","o_width":"1200","o_height":"1600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"345327","hashcode":"ae15ee55c0fa406392ef859cdac8f081","post_time":"2009-04-29 11:11:21","o_width":"1200","o_height":"1600","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"345330","hashcode":"0137d17675fa9b5737188d86c8ca2ae0","post_time":"2009-04-29 11:11:21","o_width":"1600","o_height":"1200","base_color":"65737F"},{"id":"345337","hashcode":"64dcc510e66ffc6c693064182e2a9f6f","post_time":"2009-04-29 11:11:21","o_width":"1200","o_height":"1600","base_color":"65737F"}],"Rating":null},{"Comment":{"id":"1813523","total_score":"18","content":"This is the Porta Magna, the great gate of the palace of the Popes. In a finely carved gothic arch, there are statues of angels seem to support the weight of the arcs. Five large holes housed the statues on a pedestal of fantastic animals. There are only a few of them, and quite damaged. During the revolution, the people rebelled against the church and many works of art were destroyed. The upper part has also lost most of its decorations. In the nineteenth century the chapel is divided into three when it became a military dormitory, and built a staircase to reach the rooms. The door is reopened by the following, and we distinguish well renovated old parties.","title":"This is the Porta Magna, the great gate...","hidden":0,"post_time":"2009-06-01 19:32:25","lang_flag":"fr","original_content":"C\u2019est la Magna Porta, la grande porte du palais des Papes. Sous un arc gothique finement sculpt\u00e9, on trouve des statuettes d\u2019anges qui semblent supporter tout le poids des arcs. Cinq grands trous accueillaient les statues, sur un pi\u00e9destal d\u2019animaux fantastiques. Il reste seulement quelques-unes d\u2019entre elles, et assez abim\u00e9es. Durant la r\u00e9volution, le peuple s\u2019est rebell\u00e9 contre l\u2019\u00e9glise et beaucoup d\u2019\u0153uvres d\u2019art ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9truites. La partie sup\u00e9rieure a aussi perdu la plupart de ses d\u00e9corations. Au XIXe si\u00e8cle la chapelle est divis\u00e9e en trois quand elle devient un dortoir militaire, et on construit un escalier pour atteindre les chambres. La porte est par la suite rouverte, et on distingue bien les parties r\u00e9nov\u00e9es des anciennes.","original_title":"C\u2019est la Magna Porta, la grande porte d..."},"User":{"id":"1105","name":"paulinette","username":"paulinette","has_avatar":"5","suspicious_pois_level":"0","avatar":"https:\/\/avatars.mnstatic.com\/1105_80x80_5.jpg"},"Pictures":[],"Rating":null}]