Reysar Davila
an Inn with traditional Yucatecan food
One of the most known by residents of Cancun, is the Pucito restaurant with its typical Yucatecan food, but this place is almost only local, it is rather an inn , but a classic to taste the best secrets of this ancient food. It is situated reaching the Portillo with Av Av Uxmal, the easiest way to get there is to take a taxi to the center and tell the driver to take you to Pucito. Their menu changes day by day, ranging from the typical roasted suckling pig, to the famous lime soup, not to mention the mysterious black filled with cheese and stuffed with seafood. The dishes are served in big amount for those ve are in good taste.
Here soda consumption is forbidden because it does not go with the Yucatecan food, but they sell fresh fruit waters ranging from orange to chaya, fruit typical of the region with healing powers due to its high level of nutrients. This inn is visited by businessmen and politicians, all chefs are from the Yucatan region, this in order to ensure they are prepared with traditional recipes and handmade tortillas or habanero chili red onions in lemon juice, that only the bravest dare to try. Undoubtedly the best and undisputed winner of the Yucatecan food as the other restaurants that profess this kind of food do you make changes to adjust the seasoning to taste from abroad, ve is not familiar with this type of seasoning somewhat strong and spicy. Visit it you will not regret it, and remember to take your supply of medicine for heartburn and the famous evil Moctezuma.
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