Inpresionante hospital
Inpresionante hospital
El puerto natural de Mahón guarda en sus islotes históricos enclaves.
Así como la isla del Rey alberga un hospital de época de Alfonso III. Esta fortaleza sanitaria se construyó en el siglo XVII durante el reinado de Carlos III.
A lo largo de su historia ha servido para el tratamiento de enfermedades infecciosas, como la lepra, la tuberculosis o la fiebre amarilla.
Curioso lugar para poner en cuarentena a tantos cientos de personas.
The natural port of Mahon keeps in its historical islets enclaves. Just as King's Island has a hospital of Alfonso III era. This fort was built health in the seventeenth century during the reign of Carlos III. Throughout its history it has served for the treatment of infectious diseases, such as leprosy, tuberculosis and yellow fever. Curious place to quarantine so many hundreds.
