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El Agua Beach

12 reviews of El Agua Beach

El Agua Beach

Playa El Agua is one of the most famous beaches on the Margarita Island. It's famous firstly because it is huge, secondly because of the many entertainment options for all ages and finally because it is undoubtedly the "meeting point" for many people. The best time to go is during Holy Week, when they have concerts on the beach, surfing competitions (when you must be careful of the waves and not go in too deep) and finally, in the summer when the beach is full of young people across Venezuela and other parts of the world and becomes a "big party". Although, you have to walk almost to the end of the beach to avoid being among families and children running around.

As for food service and restaurants, there are many at the top of the beach where you can eat the typical "fried fish with tostones" (the green plantains fried plantains are sliced ​​and fried and flattened and puts them over a salad of cabbage with carrots, ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and grated white cheese). There is also the option of carrying a cooler (or champagne) with food or drink that however ultimately depends on the shops that carry water, beer, soft drinks, a drink called "cocada" made beating meat coconut milk, sugar and crushed ice and much that is simply exquisite. If you fancy something sweet, the best is the "canned coconut", but there are other options like "back to life", the "broken mattress" etc . On the web page that I have there is a list of hotels near this beach ... but I can't comment because every time I went I stayed home with family of friends.
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Only 3 beaches

These photos are from one of my favorite parts of the island: Antolin del Campo. The photos try show the beauty of the coastline, and picturesque characters met along the way.


Sandy, playita and many beads

Arenita, playita y muchas perlitas

Una de las playas más emblemáticas de Margarita es Playa El Agua. Su arena, agua cristalina, cientos de palmeras y las opciones de servicios que ofrece, son algunos de los atractivos que tiene este rincón de la isla. Está situada justo al norte y es uno de los puntos de encuentro preferidos por los turistas y sobre todo por los jóvenes en Semana Santa y Carnaval, una época en la que llega a ser casi imposible conseguir sitio. Y ese es uno de sus encantos, poder caminar de extremo a extremo saludando a conocidos y hasta en algunos casos, la oportunidad perfecta para hacer nuevos amigos. Pero si eres chica y lo que te gusta es comprar accesorios originales y únicos, tienes que llevar dinero en efectivo, porque en esta playa suele haber muchos vendedores ambulantes, que ofrecen desde sombreros, pareos, traje de baño espectaculares hasta zarcillos de perlas que parecen de diseñador. Cientos de opciones para renovar nuestro vestuario y hacer un cambio de look. Y además, es la oportunidad perfecta para comprarle regalos a tus amigas. *Atención: cuidado con las olas, pueden ser peligrosas si te alejas de la orilla. *Recomendación: y si estas preparando tu viaje para Margarita, una buena canción para musicalizar el viaje es “Arenita, Playita”, de la agrupación venezolana: 4to Poder.
One of the most famous beaches is Playa El Agua Margarita. The sand, clear water, palm trees and hundreds of service options offered are some of the attractions that this corner of the island. It is located just north and is one of the favorite spots of tourists encounter and especially youth at Easter and Carnival Week, a time when it becomes almost impossible to get site. And that's one of its charms, to walk from end to end greeting acquaintances and even in some cases, the perfect opportunity to make new friends. But if you're a girl and you like it buy original and unique accessories, you have to carry cash, because this beach there are usually many vendors, offering everything from hats, pareos, costume spectacular bathroom until earrings of pearls that look designer. Hundreds of options to renew our wardrobe and do a makeover. And besides, it's the perfect opportunity to buy presents for your friends. * Please note: beware of the waves can be dangerous if you get away from the shore. * Recommendation: if you are preparing your trip to Margarita, a good song to rock the trip is "Sandy, Playita", the Venezuelan group: 4th Power.
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Margarita is a Paradise!

Margarita es un Paraiso!

La Perla del Caribe es sin duda, uno de los mejores atractivos turisticos de Venezuela! Tuve la oportunidad de vivir en Margarita por 5 anos y de verdad que la extraño. Playa el agua y parguito son un clásico! y de las más bellas de la isla pero no dejemos a un lado a playa el yaque, puerto cruz y playa guacuco. Hermosa mi isla! acá les dejo el link de mi página de playas de Venezuela, gracias por visitarla http://blog.barquea.com/ ;)
The Pearl of the Caribbean is undoubtedly one of the best tourist attractions in Venezuela! I had the opportunity to live in Margarita for 5 years and I really miss it. Playa el agua and parguito are a classic! and one of the most beautiful on the island but let"s not leave el yaque beach, puerto cruz and guacuco beach aside. Beautiful my island! Here I leave the link of my page of beaches in Venezuela, thanks for visiting it http://blog.barquea.com/;)
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Playa El Agua a must Margarita

Playa El Agua un must de Margarita

Es una de las playas que no podemos dejar de visitar cada vez que venimos a la Isla de Margarita en Venezuela. Su oleaje y azul es intenso.
It is one of the beaches that can not fail to visit every time we come to Margarita Island in Venezuela. Its waves and blue is intense.
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It is the longest on the island of Margarita, has always been popular, it has a boulevard that precedes the beach also has a lot of palm trees that provide shade and does enjoy a different landscape

Es la más larga de la isla de margarita

Ha sido popular desde siempre, cuenta con un boulevard que precede la playa además posee unas gran cantidad de palmeras que aportan sombra y la hace disfrutar de un paisaje distinto.
It is the longest on the island of Margarita, has always been popular, it has a boulevard that precedes the beach also has a lot of palm trees that provide shade and does enjoy a different landscape.
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Golden Water by Lidotel, Playa el Agua

Agua Dorada by Lidotel, Playa el Agua

Agua Dorada by Lidotel, Playa el Agua
Golden Water by Lidotel, Playa el Agua
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My grandson

Mi nieto

La verdadera fuente de la juventud son los nietos ellos representan el futuro . Playa El Agua antes de las lluvias y de la tragedia del estado Vargas tenía mas playas y estas se acortaron cuando subió el nivel del Mar
The real fountain of youth are the grandchildren they represent the future. Playa El Agua before the rains and tragedy of Vargas had more beaches and these were shortened when the sea level rose
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Spectacular beach in Margarita Island Venezuela

Playa espectacular en Isla de Margarita Venezuela

Playa espectacular en Isla de Margarita Venezuela
spectacular beach on Margarita Island Venezuela
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It is certainly the most beautiful beach in Margarita

Sin duda es la playa más hermosa de Margarita.

Sin duda es la playa más hermosa de Margarita.
It is certainly the most beautiful beach in Margarita.
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Carcassonne is a medieval town in the...

Carcassonne é uma cidade medieval no ...

Carcassonne é uma cidade medieval no departamento francês de Aude, na região de Languedoc Roussillon. Para chegar ali, podes apanhar um comboio de Narbonne ou Toulouse. Se estás em Barcelona, não tardarás mais de 4 horas. É parte do património mundial da UNESCO. Esta cidade fortificada é a maior de França, e está muito bem conservada. Já não vive ali quase ninguém, o que é uma pena, mas há muitos restaurantes, lojas e actividade dentro do recinto. Depois está a nova cidade de Carcassonne, moderna, à beira do Canal du Midi, que também é agradável conhecer. A cidade antiga tem um recinto duplo, pelo que podes dar-lhe a volta com uma caminhada de aproximadamente vinte minutos. Tem cinquenta torres, às quais não se pode subir, uma basílica, e o castelo do conde. O resto são casas, mas os preços são tão caros que as pessoas foram vendendo, e agora existem mais negócios que casas. A maioria das lojas vendem produtos da região: não podem perder os deliciosos pratos à base de pato, como o Cassoulet ou um Foie Gras, acompanhado com um copo de Muscat, equivalente ao Moscatel. A cidade começou por ser uma cidade romana, mas o seu estado actual é o da Idade Média. Não podem perder também a festa de 14 de Julho, se andam por ali na região. Como é a festa nacional da França, há fogos de artificio e um grande espectáculo de som e luzes no recinto medieval.
Carcassonne is a medieval town in the French department of Aude in the Languedoc Roussillon region. To get there, you can take a train from Narbonne or Toulouse. If you are in Barcelona, ​​not delay over 4 hours. It is part of the UNESCO world heritage site. This walled city is the largest in France, and is very well preserved. Have not hardly anyone lives there, which is a shame, but there are many restaurants, shops and activities within the grounds. Then there is the new city of Carcassonne, modern, along the Canal du Midi, which is also nice to know. The old town has a double room, so you can give it back with a walk of about twenty minutes. Has fifty towers, which you can not climb, a basilica and the castle of Count. The rest are houses, but prices are so expensive that people were selling, and that there are now more business houses. Most stores sell products of the region: do not miss the delicious dishes made of duck, such as cassoulet or foie gras, accompanied with a glass of Muscat, Muscat equivalent. The city began as a Roman city, but its current status is that of the Middle Ages. There may also lose the party on 14 July, was walking through there in the region. How is the national holiday of France, there are fireworks and a great show of lights and sound in medieval precinct.
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Information about El Agua Beach