Adventure To Anywhere
Hiking the East End of Rundle Mountain
Hiking East End of Rundle (EEOR) was a challenging but very rewarding experience. An estimated 6km and 6 hour round trip, this hike is not for the faint of heart. It's actually more of a scramble than a hike, as there are no real maintained or marked trails. We found this very difficult, but we figured as long as we were going up, we must have been going the right way. The hike offers stunning views of the valley below as well as Ha Ling Peak. Good hiking boots with ankle support are a must as there is a ton of loose rock to scramble up and down on this hike. Physical fitness is definitely a requirement as well.
We only made it half way up, to an area where the trail plateaus for a while before the major ascent to the summit. We got hit with some bad weather (snow in June!) so we had to turn back, but even hiking to the plateau provided some incredible views. This was about a 2 hour round trip. Be sure to carry bear spray on this trail, just in case! The trail can be accessed by the Goat Creek parking lot just past the Canmore Nordic Centre.
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