Nuria Muñoz
The village itself is very pretty
El pueblo en si es muy bonito
Es un pequeño pueblo de Vizcaya con una playa que mas bien parece una cala y que desde luego no es la ideal para los que gusten de los paseos por la orilla. Cambia mucho con marea alta o baja. Eso si, es ideal para los niños pues no tiene muchas olas y tienes que andar bastante para que te cubra.
Está partido en dos por la ría y rodeado de montes.
En agosto su población aumenta una barbaridad y tiene mucho ambiente aunque el mes de julio me gusta mas a mi precisamente porque entre semana esta tranquilo.
It is a small village of Vizcaya with a beach that rather looks like a cove and that is certainly not ideal for those who like the walks along the shore. It changes much at high or low tide. That if, is ideal for children because it does not have many waves and you have to walk enough to cover you. The village itself is very pretty. This party in two by the river and surrounded by hills. In August its population increases an awful and has a lot of atmosphere although the month of July I like more to me precisely because during the week is quiet.