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MH Dona Rita

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    1 review of MH Dona Rita

    Everything you need for an unforgettable stay

    Dona Rita Park Tourist Apartments, located in Atouguia da Baleia, Lisbon, Portugal. These apartments offer everything you need for an unforgettable stay. Around 80 km from Lisbon, there are 77 apartments equipped with balcony and kitchenette. Children will love the playground and in the meantime, you can relax in the sauna. Then have a swim in one of the pools or visit the jacuzzi. There are also meeting rooms available for guests who wish to combine work and pleasure. Play tennis with friends or go windsurfing or cycling. The attentive staff can help you plan trips.

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    Information about MH Dona Rita
    Hotel information
    Check in 16:00 - 00:00 Check out 08:00 - 12:00
    Opening Hours
    Avenida Do Golfe, Praia Da Consolação
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