I am in love with this golden valley
It is said that in Ladakh was a village where the people were Aryans. In Likir and in Leh I was told that, although Buddhist, the people were tall, with prominent noses, as if 'of Italian'. In geographically desolate Ladakh Dha is lost in time. Not a single street leads to the village, you leave the road by the Indus River and walk along a high path above a narrow valley full of flowers. Just 60 people live very humbly here and their contact with the outside world is almost nil. They have no electricity, no running water and the fertile land produces the only food that they eat. Occasionally backpackers like me appear and stay a couple of days - I'm in love with this golden valley, its infinite peace and loneliness.
The house where I stayed had a room with several beds, the owner made me a delicious soup, I got into my sleeping bag and stared at the moon through the window. The next morning my tall male host, with a prominent nose and light hair, told me Dha's story. Its inhabitants were warriors of Alexander the Great that decided to stay as they were fascinated by the kindness of the valley. They maintained their customs for centuries, eventually adopting Buddhism. A traditional hat, from before they settled in Ladakh, is today only used for the holidays. My host left me alone and soon returned wearing a spectacular hat. Alexander the Great he said smiling.
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