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Mercado de Colon

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31 reviews of Mercado de Colon

Interesting modernist building

It is an imposing metal building of three aisles, the work of Francisco Mora, built in the early twentieth century. It is a good example of the European markets of the time and the modernist movement which arrived in Valencia belatedly. The renovation of this building was constructed in three phases, culminating a few years ago, it was very expensive but worth it.

It now houses florists, bookstores, coffee shops, etc... It's a nice place in downtown Valencia where you can go to hang out, drink coffee and buy a book; you can also admire a beautiful example of Valencian modernism.


A delight

Built between 1914 and 1916 by architect Francisco Mora Berenguer, this lovely market of three isles with a clear Art Nouveau style was completely restored in 2003 and converted into a centre of shopping facilities related to gastronomy. The site was declared a National Monument, and it is a delight to wander around and buy delicacies.

The Mercado de Colón is an old market ...

Le Mercado de Colon est un ancien...

Le Mercado de Colon est un ancien marché situé en plein centre de la ville de Valence, en Espagne. Son édifice a été conçu par l'architecte Francisco Mora Berenguer entre 1914 et 1916. C'est un exemple clair de l'architecture moderniste du début de siècle. Il a été déclaré monument national. Il impressionne par sa façade extraordinaire et les décors somptueux. En regardant ce bâtiment on peut sentir l'influence d'Antoni Gaudí. Actuellement cette construction remarquable abrite les magasins, les cafés et même El Corte Inglés.
The Mercado de Colón is an old market located in the center of the city of Valencia, Spain. Its building was designed by architect Francisco Mora Berenguer between 1914 and 1916. This is a clear example of Modernist architecture of the early century. It was declared a national monument. It impresses with its extraordinary facade and lavish decor. Looking at this building you can feel the influence of Antoni Gaudí. Currently this remarkable building houses shops, cafes and even El Corte Inglés.
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If you like the style of Gaudi, it is...

Si vous aimez le style de Gaudi, il...

Si vous aimez le style de Gaudi, il faut absolument que vous alliez au marché de Colon ! Le marché de Colon se trouve juste derrière la rue Colon. Il a été créé au début du XXème siècle par Francisco Mora et Berenguer. C’est un édifice moderniste qui rappelle beaucoup le travail de Gaudi. La façade du bâtiment est colorée et asymétrique alors que le toit est totalement métallisé. C'est un mélange d'Art Nouveau et de design. Ce mélange de style rend ce bâtiment unique. A l’intérieur du marché de Colon, vous pourrez trouver des restaurants et des fleuristes au rez-de-chaussée et des commerces typiquement espagnols au sous-sol.
If you like the style of Gaudi, it is imperative that you go to market Colon! Market Colon is just behind the Colon street. It was created in the early twentieth century by Francisco Mora Berenguer. It is a modernist building which reminds a lot the work of Gaudi. The facade of the building is asymmetrical and colorful while the roof is completely metallic. It is a blend of Art Nouveau design. This blend of style makes this unique building. Inside the Colon market, you can find restaurants and florists on the ground floor and typical Spanish shops in the basement.
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What better place to listen to a free...

Que mejor lugar para escuchar un...

Que mejor lugar para escuchar un concierto de Jazz gratis y en directo que el Mercado de Colon de Valencia. He estado tranquilamente tomandome un café en una de sus multiples cafeterias mientras escuchaba la música, aunque también se han habilitado sillas frente a los musicos, para que además de oírlo perfectamente puedas verlo desde primera línea!! Que buena idea, me ha encantado!
What better place to listen to a free jazz concert and live the Colon Market in Valencia. I've been quietly sipping coffee in one of the many cafes while listening to music, but they have also enabled chairs facing the musicians, to hear perfectly well you can see it from the front row! What a great idea, I loved it!
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Jewel of Art Nouveau

Bijou de l'Art Nouveau

Placé en plein cœur de la Valencia du XIX ème siècle, c´est une pièce clé de l’architecture de l’art nouveau de la ville. Œuvre de l’architecte Francisco Mora, construit en 1914, il apporte, comme nouveauté, son caractère de marché ouvert. Sa décoration en brique et mosaïque exalte la huerta valencienne. Il a été réhabilité et reconverti en un espace de loisir, d´exposition, de commerces, restaurants, cafeterias,…, un point de rencontre pour les valenciens et les visiteurs, qui peuvent profiter d'une multitude d´activités culturelles tout au long de l’année.
Located in the heart of Valencia nineteenth century, it is a key part of the architecture of the new art of the city. Designed by architect Francisco Mora, built in 1914, it brings, as a novelty, character open market. Its decorative brick and tile enhances the Valencian huerta. It has been restored and converted into a leisure area, exhibition, shops, restaurants, cafeterias, ..., a meeting point for Valencian and visitors, who can enjoy a variety of cultural activities throughout of the year.
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Symbol of Valencia Modernsta

Símbolo de la Valencia Modernísta

Este es uno de los edificios más bonitos del Eixample valenciano. Hasta hace unos años funcionaba todavía como mercado de alimentos frescos, más tarde se hizo una importantísima restauración y ahora luce espectacular. En el interior que está solo cubierto por arriba hay cafeterías y restaurantes, muy recomendable el Alto de Colón que dirige el chef Quique Barela. Si viajáis en Fallas, navidad y creo que en julio y noviembre , se celebra en su interior la Mostra Artesanía; una Feria de diseñadores independientes y artesanos donde podréis encontrar objetos muy diferentes a otras tiendas , hechos a mano y respetuosos con el entorno, ideal si queréis llevar regalos.
This is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Eixample Valencia. Until a few years ago still work as fresh food market, later became an important restoration and now looks great. Inside that is only covered by cafes and restaurants up there, highly recommended Columbus High directed by chef Quique Barela. If you are traveling in Fallas, and I think Christmas in July and November, is celebrated inside the Mostra Crafts, a fair independent designers and artisans where you can find different objects to other stores, handmade and environmentally friendly, ideal if you want to bring gifts.
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It is also declared as a National Monument

El Mercado de Colón es un antiguo edificio reformado en donde actualmente

Alberga numerosas cafeterías. El edificio, fue concebido y realizado por el arquitecto Francisco Mora a principios de siglo XX. Su arquitectura pertenece al modernismo valenciano. Además está declarado como Monumento Nacional. En el subterráneo del Mercado de Colón podemos encontrar una librería y alguna que otra exposición.
The Mercado de Colón is an old renovated building where today, it has many cafes. The building was conceived and built by the architect Francisco Mora at the beginning of the 20th century. Its architecture belongs to Valencian modernism. It is also declared as a National Monument. In the underground of the Mercado de Colón we can find a bookstore and some other exhibition.
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Struttura del 1900, ricorda molto Gaudí.. Non è tanto visitato, anche se merita, visto la particolare bellezza della struttura. È in una zona poi tanto tranquilla, nelle vicinanze ci sono molti piccoli bar, negozi interessanti. Arrivare è facile, la stazione metro (Colon) è a pochi passi, altrimenti più avanti c'è Alameda, Giardini di Turia, così si possono fare due passi anche in mezzo al verde..
Structure of 1900, reminds Gaudí .. It is not visited, even if he deserves, given the particular beauty of the structure. It is in an area so very quiet, nearby there are many small bars, interesting shops. Getting here is easy, the metro station (Colon) is a few steps further is otherwise Alameda, Turia Gardens, so you can take a walk in the woods ..
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Modernism Valencia

El Modernismo de Valencia

La ginda del pastel en la zona modernista de Valencia. Remodelado y actualmente el sitio perfecto para tomar un café y descansar tras un día de compras por el centro.
The Ginda the cake in the modernist area of ​​Valencia. Remodeled and now the perfect place to have a coffee and unwind after a day of shopping in the center site.
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A place to take something day or night.

Un sitio donde tomar algo de día como de noche.

En diciembre se ponen los adornos de Navidad y el árbol que quedan muy bonito. Recomiendo el Daniel’s donde se comen fartons, tonets con orchata que resulta muy rica. Es muy típico y siempre hay bastante gente y’a que es un buen sitio donde quedar.
A place to take something day or night. In December, the Christmas decorations and the tree are very beautiful. I recommend Daniel"s where they eat fartons, tonts with orchata which is very rich. It is very typical and there are always enough people and it is a good place to stay!
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Beautiful rincn Valencia City

Precioso rincón de la Ciudad de Valencia

Merece la pena pararse y disfrutar de este lugar. Cosas comunes con Covent Garden de Londres.
It is worthwhile to stop and enjoy this place. Common things to Covent Garden in London.
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In this here, there are bars and restaurants

In questo qui, Ci sono bar e ristorantini

Un mercato diverso dagli altri ben noti in spagna!
A market different from the other well known in spain! In this here, there are bars and restaurants
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Market colon, after the remodeling

Mercado de colon, después de la remodelacion

Mercado de colon, después de la remodelacion
Market colon, after the remodeling
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Columbus Market

Mercado de Colón

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