Ora et Labora
Today, I’d like to tell you about what in my opinion is one of the best cultural, historic, artistic, and natural routes through Catalonia and even Spain as a whole: the Cistercian Route, which covers three monasteries in the Catalan provinces of Tarragona and Lérida.
It’s an amazing route that you can do in two or three days. I’d suggest going at a leisurely pace, taking your time and enjoying the sublime beauty of the landscape and architecture with all five senses. San Benito, upon creating his humble and introverted order, never imagined the beauty which these three historic-artistic complexes would one day attain. Poblet, Santes Creus, and Santa María de Vallbona are three monasteries which you must visit if you’re a lover of Cistercian art, the medieval world in general, history, or just simple inner peace.