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Budapest Christmas Market

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10 reviews of Budapest Christmas Market

Don't miss the gingerbread houses!

I've visited many Christmas markets around Europe so I just had to check out the one in Budapest. It's located between Vorosmarty Ter and Erzsebet Ter and consists of a central area full of food stalls surrounded by benches and tables. It's really a cozy place, all lit up in golden lights and warm colors, a nice addition to the already elegant and sophisticated buildings in Budapest. I was eager to see the Christmas tree but it was still being built when I visited. Don't miss the gingerbread houses!


Love it


I choose Budapest in December because I wanted to have a christmas spirit experience (I live in Israel so I don't have that every year).. The markets were extraordinary, the food, the hot wine, the christmas gifts and the people made my dream come true.

Christmas for the Five Senses

Navidad para los Cinco Sentidos

Un año más, en lo que ya se ha convertido en tradición, El Guisante Verde Project ha viajado a los mercados navideños. Esta vez la elegida ha sido Budapest. En nuestra tercera visita a esta ciudad, la primera que hacemos en diciembre, hemos tenido, además, la fortuna de verla nevada, con lo que la experiencia ha sido fantástica. Budapest es una ciudad que sorprende al recién llegado por su arquitectura, sus dos ciudades, museos, baños..., pero ya hablaremos de todo eso en otros rincones. Ahora nos centramos en los mercados. Se encuentran repartidos por varios puntos de la ciudad, y son de pequeño tamaño. El más grande y animado es el ubicado en la céntrica plaza de Vörösmarty, la misma donde se encuentra el emblemático café Gerbaud. Han utilizado la fachada del edificio para recrear un Calendario de Adviento, que todos los días, sobre las cinco de la tarde levanta la persiana del día que corresponde en un acto que comienza con música. En uno de los balcones del edificio un grupito de músicos anuncia el cambio de día. A continuación un juego de luces va recorriendo aleatoriamente los números hasta detenerse en el que será eliminado del calendario, y deja al descubierto un fragmento de una pintura contemporánea. Es muy original. Tampoco falta el tradicional árbol de Navidad, lleno de luces y bolas, que cierra uno de los lados de la plaza. Para aquellos que han visitado otros mercados navideños, especialmente en Alemania, puede que les resulte algo más pequeño. No obstante, está muy animado, y tiene todo lo necesario para disfrutar de las compras y del ambiente. Música tradicional húngara, danzas, en directo sobre un escenario habilitado en uno de los extremos de la plaza. Auténticos restaurantes de comida típica, mesas y bancos corridos, (sin estufas, así que es recomendable ir bien abrigados), y una gran cantidad de puestos donde hemos encontrado objetos muy distintos a los que habíamos visto en otros lugares. La calidad de la artesanía húngara, en cerámica, tejidos, madera o vidrio es algo que ya conocíamos y aunque ya no podemos comprarla a los precios de antaño, sigue siendo una compra con una gran relación calidad-precio. Otros mercados se encuentran junto a la Plaza de los Héroes, y también a media altura en la fantástica avenida de Andrassy, aunque en las oficinas de turismo, y también en la de la plaza de Vörösmarty encontraréis completa completa. Recorrer los puestos con una taza de vino caliente, o de ponche, en una mano y un buen trozo de Kürtós Kalács en la otra es la mejor manera de meterse de lleno en la Navidad. Todavía estáis a tiempo. Un poco más sobre estos mercados, en nuestra entrada: Budapesti Karácsony http://www.guisanteverdeproject.com/2010/12/budapesti-karacsony.html
Once again, in what has already become a tradition, Green Pea Project has traveled to the Christmas markets. This time was chosen Budapest. On our third visit to this city, the first to do in December, we had also the fortune of seeing snow, so the experience has been great. Budapest is a city that surprises the newcomer for its architecture, its two cities, museums, bathrooms ... but we'll talk about all that in other corners. Now we focus on the markets. They are spread out in various parts of the city, and are small. The biggest and animate is located in the central Vörösmarty Square, where it is the emblematic Gerbaud café. They have used the building's facade to recreate an Advent Calendar, every day, about five p.m. blind raises corresponding day in a ceremony that begins with music. In one of the balconies of the building a small group of musicians announces the change of day. Here a play of light moves through the numbers randomly to a stop in the calendar that will be removed, and reveals a fragment of a contemporary painting. It's very original. Nor need the traditional Christmas tree full of lights and balls, which closes one side of the square. For those who have visited other Christmas markets, especially in Germany, may find it somewhat smaller. However, it is lively, and has everything you need to enjoy shopping and the environment. Hungarian folk music, dances, live on stage enabled on one end of the square. Authentic typical restaurants, tables and benches, (no stove, so it is advisable to dress warmly), and a lot of places where we found objects very different from those we had seen elsewhere. The quality of Hungarian handicrafts, ceramics, textiles, wood or glass is something we already knew, and although we can not buy at the prices of old, remains a buy with a great value. Other markets are located next to the Plaza of Heroes, and halfway up the fantastic Andrassy Avenue, although the tourist offices, and also in the Vörösmarty Square will find full complete. Browse posts with a cup of mulled wine or punch in one hand and a chunk of Kurtos Kalács on the other is the best way to dive into Christmas. Still time.
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In this central plaza and well known...

In questa piazza centrale e molto...

In questa piazza centrale e molto conosciuta ogni primo dicembre viene inaugurato il tradizionale mercatino di Natale. Un centianio di casette in legno offrono oggetti artigianali e delizie da assaggiare. Il momento della giornata in cui manifesta la sua bellezza dalle ore 17, quando le luci illuminano la piazza e gli stand. Chiude il 29 dicembre.
In this central plaza and well known was inaugurated on 1 December every traditional Christmas market. A centianio wooden houses offer crafts and mouthwatering delicacies. The time of day that show its beauty at 17, when the lights illuminate the streets and the stands. Closes Dec. 29.
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Christmas in Budapest

Natale a Budapest

Gli addobbi vivaci, le luci intermittenti, profumo di dolci e vin brulé e sottofondo musicale è tutto ciò che rende magico il mercatino di Natale. Anche a Budapest viene tradizionalmente allestito dal 1° dicembre, in piazza Vorosmarty e in piazza Szent Istvan, con tanto di pista per pattinare sul ghiaccio e concerti di musiche natalizie.
The decorations bright, flashing lights, the scent of mulled wine and sweet background music is everything that makes the magical Christmas market. In Budapest is traditionally prepared from 1 December, in Vörösmarty square and the streets Szent Istvan, complete with a runway for ice skating and concerts of Christmas music.
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This is a charming navidello market,...

Se trata de un mercadillo navidello...

Se trata de un mercadillo navidello lleno de encanto, que combina la artesanía y la gastronomía a precios muy asequibles, en el se puede disfrutar los dulces tipicos húngaros y el vino caliente yan típico en estas zonas de Europa, estos mercadillos se instalan en fechas importantes como navidad, pascua o la llegada de la primavera, si vais a Budapest no dejeis de visitarlo.
This is a charming navidello market, combining the crafts and cuisine at very affordable prices, you can enjoy the typical sweets and mulled wine Hungarian yan typical in these parts of Europe, these markets are installed in important dates as Christmas, Easter and the arrival of spring, if you go to Budapest Do not fail to visit.
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The essence of Christmas

La esencia de la Navidad

Si deseas visitar Budapest, te recomiendo que lo hagas en la época navideña ya que a la belleza natural de la ciudad se le suman los mercadillos de Navidad que la adornan y perfuman de espíritu festivo. Podemos encontrar comida caliente, cerveza, vino especiado, adornos artesanales, infinidad de regalos... cada puesto es un mundo y es imposible no querer pararse en todos para buscar los secretos que esconden.
If you want to visit Budapest, I recommend that you do it at Christmas time since the natural beauty of the city is added to the Christmas markets that adorn it and perfume holiday spirit. We can find hot food, beer, spiced wine, handmade ornaments, countless gifts ... each post is a world and it is impossible not to want to stand at all to find the secrets they hide.
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Very characteristic

Molto caratteristici

C'è persino il fabbro che batte il ferro!!! È pieno di ninnoli che tutti spacciano per handmade, farti a mano, ma poi si scopre che li hanno un po' tutti e quindi... Però c'è tanta bella gente e potrete gustarvi specialità tipiche dalle bancarelle centrali!
There is even a blacksmith who makes the iron! It is full of trinkets that all claim to be handmade, make by hand, but it turns out that they have a bit 'all and then ... But there are so many nice people and you can enjoy specialties from the central stalls!
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Lots of people but precious.

Muchísima gente pero preciosos.

Muchísima gente pero preciosos.
Lots of people but precious.
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You have to go, lovely

hay que ir, precioso

hay que ir, precioso
You have to go, lovely
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Information about Budapest Christmas Market