It feels like being on an airplane
Between Tacna in Peru and Arica in Chile, the border is in middle of the desert, 30 miles from each city. After Arica, there is 500 km of coastal desert until you get to the next town. Not surprisingly, not many people cross the border ... The problem is that I didn't have Peruvian and Chilean money so I needed a ride! The first person took me 4 km further .. Close to a police officer and he told me people go slower when they see one. Five minutes later, ... a taxi. With five people inside, he said he wouldn't accept money, but took me! For the first time during my trip they reviewed everything in my backpack when crossing the border.
There are drug problems between Peru and Chile apparently. We lost time, and there are two hours between the two countries. I had two days to reach Santiago, 2500 km from there. After close to 10 km, I was left in the middle of nowhere! Very few vehicles passed, and those who stopped told me that day was a public holiday and there will be no more transport, or buses, trucks aren't working, and other vehicles will be filled with families and with children. Alas, one of the easiest countries known to hitch hike and I ended up taking a bus, 25 hours straight to reach the capital! It was expensive but all meals were included, and very comfortable. It feels like being on an airplane.
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