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Chez Ma Cousine

12 reviews of Chez Ma Cousine

Eat Chicken


Chez Ma Cousine is a restaurant in the heart of Geneva where, as the caption under the name says, "eat chicken." Although we can find some other dishes, it's almost necessary to try the half roast chicken, served with potatoes and salad wedge with Caesar dressing, all very delicious and served quickly, as they have a high demand at peak times. That menu comes out to 15 per person, not counting drinks or desserts, of which I recommend the "crème brûlée catalane" and the chocolate fondant.

Nice place


Rico and cheap (Spanish / Inglés)

Rico y barato (Español/English)

ESPAÑOL: Localizado en la [poi=157752]Place du Bourg-de-Four[/poi], en el Casco Antiguo de la ciudad y justo detrás de la [poi=3176]Catedral de St Pierre[/poi], nos encontraremos con los toldos amarillos de "Chez Ma Cousine" (traducido: "La casa de mi prima"). Es un restaurante pequeño pero acogedor, con excelentes platos combinados con pollo. Un buen menú por sólo 15CHF, ¿en pleno centro de la 3ª ciudad más cara del mundo? Not bad!! También te lo preparan "para llevar". Cuando está muy lleno, no dejan entrar con carritos de bebé, pero siempre que hace buen tiempo, tienen la terraza de fuera abierta. Así que recomiendo una comida o cena ahí (ya que hasta el McDonald's es -más- caro...), si estás visitando la Catedral, o incluso la [poi=64268]Iglesia Rusa[/poi] -que también está cerca, subiendo desde la misma plaza a la Rue des Chaudronniers. "Bon appétit!" ENGLISH: Located on [poi=157752]Place du Bourg-de-Four[/poi], in the Old Town of the city and right behind [poi=3176]St Peter's Cathedral[/poi], we'll find "Chez Ma Cousine"'s yellow awnings (translated: "My Cousin's house"). It's a small but cozy restaurant with excellent chicken dishes. A good meal only costs 15CHF, in the heart of the 3rd most expensive city in the world? Not bad!! They also serve food for take-away. When it's crowded, they don't allow strollers; but if the weather is nice, they open the terrace outside. So I recommend lunch or dinner there (since even McDonald's is -more- expensive ...) if you're visiting the Cathedral or even the [poi=64268]Russian Church[/poi] -which is also close, going up to Rue des Chaudronniers from the Place. "Bon appétit!"
SPANISH: Located on the Place du Bourg-de-Four, in the Old Town of the city and just behind the Cathedral of St Pierre, we find yellow awnings "Chez Ma Cousine" (translated: "The House of my cousin "). It is a small but cozy restaurant with excellent dishes with chicken. A good menu for only 15CHF, how the heart of the 3rd most expensive city in the world? Not bad! We also prepare him "to go". When you are very busy, do not let with pushchairs, but if the weather is nice, they open the terrace outside. So I recommend lunch or dinner there (as even the McDonald's is-more-expensive ...), if you are visiting the Cathedral, or even the Russian Church, which is also close, up from the square to the Rue des chaudronniers. "Bon appétit!" ENGLISH: Located on Place du Bourg-de-Four, in the Old Town of the city and right behind St Peter's Cathedral, we'll find "Chez Ma Cousine" 's yellow awnings (translated: "My Cousin's house"). It's a small but cozy restaurant with excellent chicken dishes. A good meal costs only 15CHF, in the heart of the 3rd Most Expensive City in the World? Not bad! Also They serve food for take-away. When it's crowded, They Do not allow strollers, but if the weather is nice, They open the terrace outside. So I recommend lunch or dinner there (since even McDonald's is-more-expensive ...) if you're visiting the Cathedral or even the Russian Church-which is close Also, going up to Rue des chaudronniers from the Place. "Bon appétit!"
See original

Chez Ma Cousine, reasonably priced food in Geneva

Chez ma cousine, comida a precio razonable en Ginebra

Ginebra es una ciudad cara, muy cara, extremadamente cara. Sentarse a comer en cualquier restaurante va a costar mínimo 25CH por plato, 4-10CH por bebida, 5-10CH por postre, ya sea una pizza o un plato de pasta o cualquier otro plato aparentemente barato.. Afortunadamente existe un restaurante llamado Chez Ma Cousine, donde podemos comer un plato de pollo a un precio razonable. Esta cadena de restaurantes tiene tres establecimientos en Ginebra, uno en el Vieille Ville, otro en StGervais al lado de los pitufos el último más alejado en el barrio de Petit Saconex. El plato típico es el pollo asado con patatas y ensalada, y cuesta 15 francos suizos, bebidas y postres aparte. Tampoco incluye una salsa típica que cuesta 2,5 francos. Según cuentan todos los pollos son de granjas suizas orgánicas sin modificaciones geneticas y respeto a los animales. Para los que no sean poliglotas conviene saber que en el restaurante de la rue Lissignol Nº 5, tiene un camarero hispanohablante bastante simpático y amable. El pollo está rico, simplemente rico, no me parece una delicatesen ni el típico pollo asado de asadero industrial. Las patatas que lo acompañan no tienen nada de grasa supongo que también son ordenadas. Los postres son bastante normales y teniendo en cuenta que no bajan de los 8 Francos son prescindibles. Si vais al establecimiento cercano al barrio de los pitufos, alzad la mirada en la esquina de Rouseau con Rue Lissignol, para poder ver el edificio con las ventanas de colores, realmente original. Y si con este post no teneis suficiente, echadle un vistazo a la web oficial
I leave the post that this restaurant geneves I have posted on my blog: http://vidalicenciosa.wordpress.com Geneva is an expensive city, very expensive, very expensive. Sitting down to eat at any restaurant will cost 25CH minimum per plate, 4-10CH by drink, 5-10CH for dessert, either a pizza or a pasta dish or any other seemingly cheap .. Fortunately there is a restaurant called Chez Ma Cousine, where we eat a chicken dish at a reasonable price. This restaurant chain has three stores in Geneva, one in the Vieille Ville, another in StGervais beside the Smurfs far in the last quarter of Petit Saconex. The dish is roast chicken with potatoes and salad, and costs 15 Swiss francs, drinks and desserts apart. Also includes a typical sauce that costs 2.5 francs. According chickens have all Swiss farms are organic non-GM and respect for animals. For those who are not multilingual should know that in the restaurant on the rue Lissignol No. 5, has a speaking waiter very friendly and kind. Chicken is rich, just rich, I do not think a delicatessen or the typical steakhouse grilled chicken industry. The accompanying potatoes have no fat no guess are also ordered. The desserts are quite normal considering that do not fall below the 8 Francs are expendable. If you go to establishment close to the neighborhood of the Smurfs, lift up your eyes on the corner of Rue Rousseau with Lissignol, to see the building with colored windows, really original. And if you have not enough this post, take a look at the official website http://www.chezmacousine.ch/
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Poulet low cost!

Poulet low cost!

Ginevra è una città come direbbero gli inglesi "very expensive" e mangiare al ristorante costa davvero una fortuna a meno che non si voglia optare per un McDonald's. Però ho scoperto questo piccolo ristorante del centro storico, non molto lontano dalla centralissima Place du Molard. L'ambiente è piccolo ma raccolto, l'arredamento semplice e il personale giovane, disponibile e gentile io ho trovato anche un cameriere che parlava italiano. Il cibo è di buona qualità, le porzioni sono abbondanti, il piatto forte è il pollo accompagnato da vari tipi di insalate. Io ho preso mezzo pollo allo spiedo con patate alla provenzale e un'insalata mista condita con una salsina davvero stuzzicante. Le bevande in particolare l'acqua sono costose però se si sceglie l'acqua non imbottigliata, che a Ginevra è potabile, costa 1 euro a bottiglia. Da provare sono anche i dessert e in particolare il fondente al cioccolato accompagnato da gelato alla vaniglia, che altro non è che un delizioso tortino al cioccolato dal cuore fondente. Credetemi, in una fredda sera di dicembre sotto la neve basta questo dolcino per riscaldare il corpo e l'animo ;)
Geneva is a city as the English say "very expensive" and eat at the restaurant really cost a fortune unless you want to opt for a McDonald's. But I discovered this little restaurant in the old town, not far from the central Place du Molard. This is a small but collected, the simple decor and the staff were young, helpful and friendly I have also found a waiter who spoke Italian. The food is of good quality, the portions are plentiful, the main dish is chicken accompanied by various types of salads. I took half roasted chicken with potatoes and a mixed salad topped with Provencal sauce a really appetizing. The drinks especially water are expensive, however, if you choose the bottled water that is drinkable in Geneva, costs 1 euro per bottle. To try are the desserts especially the chocolate fondant accompanied by vanilla ice cream, which is nothing more than a delicious chocolate cake by chocolate heart. Believe me, on a cold December evening in the snow just this Dolcino to warm the body and soul ;)
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Chez Ma Cousine

Chez ma cousine

Discrepo con el comentario de Angelica Gómez con respecto a este establecimiento. Es verdad que esta en uno de los pocos lugares encantadores de Ginera, Place du Bourg de Four. Solo sirven pollo con ensalada, preguntamos por el cordero pero solo había pollo. Incluso con una salsa que nos pusieron, no sabia a nada, además más que un pollo parecía una codorniz (por el tamaño), comprensible el porque no nos permitieron compartir, cada comensal tiene que pedir su plato, mínimo 1/2 pollo que cuesta 15 francos por cabeza. Después tienes que añadir vino y postre. Al medio día, el lugar estaba petado (supongo que por el precio) Es una especie de casa de comidas, poco espacio, solo pollo con ensalada,
I disagree with the comment of Angelica Gomez regarding this property. It is true that one of the few places Ginera charmers, Place du Bourg de Four. Only serve chicken salad, ask for the lamb but only had chicken. Even with a sauce they put us, I did not know anything besides just a chicken seemed a quail (by size), understandable because we were not allowed to share, each diner has to ask his plate, at least half chicken costs 15 francs per head. Then you have to add wine and dessert. At noon, the place was petado (I guess for the price) is a kind of eatery, little space, just chicken salad
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Buensimo chicken !!

Buenísimo el pollo!!

Su especialidad es el pollo, acompañado de ensalada con salsa de mostaza y patatas tipo gajo. El sitio acogedor y personal muy amable, genial!! El precio, lo mejor de todo 14-15 CHF, muy bueno para como están las tarifas de la zona. Tip: también tienes ofertas de tarta + café, no tuve oportunidad de probarlo, pero seguro que no defrauda.
His specialty is chicken with salad with mustard sauce and slice potatoes kind. The cozy and very friendly staff, great!! The price, best of all 14 to 15 CHF, very good as are the rates in the area. Tip: You also offers coffee cake: I had no chance to try it, but it sure does not disappoint.
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This charming restaurant is located in...

Este simpático restaurante está situado e...

Este simpático restaurante está situado en pleno corazón de la ciudad antigua, a un paso de la catedral de San Pierre, en la plaza más emblemática de esta maravillosa zona de Ginebra. Se trata de un local agradable y sin pretensiones, trato muy cercano y llano. La apuesta culinaria es sencilla, no hay carta... Solo sirven Pollo asado con patatas fritas o cordero asado con patatas todo con ensalada verde. Creedme el pollo esta delicioso!!!! Este lugar tiene dos puntos fuertes por lo que os lo recomiendo hoy aquí, y son: 1- Es muy económico. En Ginebra es imposible comer mejor por menos dinero... 2- Los horarios son muy flexibles. Te atienden desde las 11.30h hasta las 23.30h sin interrupción... En Ginebra esto es especialmente importante ya que allí los horarios de comida son muy diferentes de los españoles y si pretendes cenar a las 22.30h o comer a las 15h puedes tener serios problemas...
This charming restaurant is located in the heart of the old city, within walking distance of the Cathedral of St. Pierre, in the most emblematic square of this wonderful area of ​​Geneva. It is a pleasant place, unpretentious, very close and plain dealing. The cuisine is simple bet, no letter ... Only Roast chicken served with chips or roast lamb with potatoes all with green salad. Believe me this delicious chicken!! This place has two strong points so I recommend here today, and they are: 1 - It is very economical. In Geneva is impossible to eat better for less money ... 2 - The hours are very flexible. We are open from 11:30 am until 23:30 pm without interruption ... In Geneva this is especially important since there meal times are very different from the Spanish and if you intend to eat dinner at the 15h 22.30ho can cause serious problems ...
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Very charming place specializing in...

Lugar muito charmoso especializado em...

Lugar muito charmoso especializado em frangos em uma das proncipais praças do centro histórico da cidade. O frango acompanha as tradicionais batatas servidas no país, um molho especial e uma bela salada. Saborosíssimo, além do atendimento, excelente. Recomendo de olhos fechados.
Very charming place specializing in chicken proncipais squares in one of the historic city center. The chicken came with potato served on traditional country, a special sauce and a nice salad. Saborosíssimo, besides the service, excellent. Recommend eyes closed.
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A sure hit.

Un acierto seguro.

El pollo está delicioso, y además es muy económico. El menú está genial (pollo, patatas y ensalada). Hay que ir sí o sí.
The chicken is delicious, and it is very economical. The menu is great (chicken, potatoes and salad). You should go or yes.
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Highly recommended

Muy recomendable

Este fin de semana estuvimos en Ginebra y fuimos a comer a Chez ma cousine siguiendo las recomendaciones de otras personas publicadas en Mi nube. Comimos pollo con patatas y ensalada y no gustó tanto que volvimos a repetir al día siguiente. El precio unos 20 euros por persona con la bebida incluida, que para ser Suiza no está mal. El pollo muy jugoso y el personal muy amable. Si volviese a Ginebra, repetiría sin dudarlo.
This weekend we were in Geneva and went to eat at Chez Ma Cousine following the recommendations of others published in My Cloud. We ate chicken with potatoes and salad and no gust while we repeated the next day. The price about 20 euros per person including drink, which for Switzerland is not bad. The chicken very juicy and very friendly staff. If I went to Geneva, will repeat without hesitation.
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A rich chicken, very, very busy place.

Un rico pollo, lugar muy pero muy concurrido.

Un rico pollo, lugar muy pero muy concurrido.
A rich chicken, very, very busy place.
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