An Artistic Treasure
The Obispo Chapel could easily go unnoticed in the popular Plaza de la Paja. Yet, if we go up the stairs, we will not only have interesting views of the plaza but we will also be able to admire the harmonious façade of this plateresque building.
The inside door, that represents scenes from the Old and New Testaments, is definitely an artistic treasure. Once inside, it is impossible that the main altarpiece doesn’t catch our attention. We also instantly notice the real jewels of this place of prayer: two alabaster tombs located next to the altarpiece. One belongs to Don Francisco de Vargas, the Catholic Kings private, and the other one to his wife, Doña Inés de Carvajal. There is a third tomb, even more beautiful, that belongs to the bishop, their son, which is bigger and integrated to the wall in the right. The three are from the 16th Century and contain kneeling figures in prayer, an original characteristic for that time.
One last fact: during 20 years, the remains of San Isidro were buried in this place.