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10 reviews of CenoteS

As already discussed what is a cenote,...

Como ya se ha hablado de lo que es un...

Como ya se ha hablado de lo que es un cenote, de su misticismo, de la conexión con el inframundo del pueblo maya. Me limitare ha realizar una lista de los cenotes mas populares proximos a Playa del Carmen, Pero he de decir que aunque estos son los mas famosos, no son los mas bonitos. Dos Ojos: Prof. Máxima 11 metros, experiencia requerida mínima, posibilidad de snorkel, se hacen dos buceos en mismo cenote pero en diferentes áreas. Chac Mool: Prof. Max. 14 metros, experiencia requerida mínima, posibilidad de snorkel, se hacen dos buceos pero en diferentes áreas. Taj-maha: Prof. Máx. 14 metros, experiencia requerida mínima, un buceo. Gran Cenote: Prof. Máx. 12 metros, experiencia mínima, un buceo y posibilidad de snorkel. Angelita: Prof. Máx. 60 metros y mínima 35 metros, un buceo, experiencia requerida medio-alta Laguna Kan Luum: Prof. Máx. 76 metros (solo bajamos máx. A 40 metros) si se tiene entrenamiento y equipamiento técnico se puede bajar a mas, podemos ofrecer alquiler de equipos y gases (trimix y nitrox), experiencia requerida medio-alta Carwash: Prof. Máx. 18 metros, un buceo, experiencia requerida mínima. Manatí: Prof. Máx. 8 metros, un buceo, posibilidad de snorkel, mínimo Calavera: Prof. Máx. 18 metros, un buceo, nivel requerido mínimo
As already discussed what is a cenote, his mysticism, connection with the underworld of the Maya people. I will limit has to make a list of the most popular cenotes next to Playa del Carmen, But I will say that although these are the most famous, not the most beautiful. Two Eyes: Prof. Max 11 meters, minimum required experience, ability to snorkel, make two cenote dives same but in different areas. Chac Mool: Prof. Max. 14 meters, minimum required experience, ability to snorkel, make two dives but in different areas. Taj-maha: Prof. Max. 14 meters, minimum required experience, a dive. Gran Cenote: Prof. Max. 12 meters, minimum experience, diving and snorkelling possibility. Angelita: Prof. Max. Minimum 60 meters and 35 meters, diving, experience required Laguna Kan medium-high Luum: Prof. Max. 76 meters (down only Max. A 40 meters) if it has training and technical equipment can be lowered more, we can provide rental equipment and gases (trimix and nitrox), medium-high experience required Carwash: Prof. Max. 18 meters, a dive, minimum required experience. Manatee: Prof. Max. 8 meters, diving, snorkeling possibility, at least Calavera: Prof. Max. 18 meters, a dive, minimum required level
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Una delle cose imperdibili di un viaggio nello Yucatan - Messico sono i cenotes, grotte carsiche parzialmente o totalmente collassate, all'interno di queste grotte si trovano piccoli laghi di acqua dolce, acqua limpidissima dove spesso si può fare il bagno. In molti casi dal lago partono estesi sistemi di grotte dove si possono effettuare escursioni facendo snorkeling o immersioni.
One of the things missed a trip to the Yucatan - Mexico are the cenotes, caves partially or totally collapsed within these caves are small freshwater lakes, crystal clear water where you can often take a bath. In many cases the lake leave extensive cave systems where you can go for snorkeling or diving.
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Mayan cenotes

Cenotes Mayas

Genial experiencia buceando en las cuevas de Quintana Roo descubriendo grutas subterráneas llenas de estalactitas y estalagmitas. Los mayas lo utilizaban para hacer sacrificios y rituales, lo consideraban el paso del mundo al inframundo.
Great experience diving in the caves of Quintana Roo discovering underground caves full of stalactites and stalagmites. The Mayans used to make sacrifices and rituals, he was considered the world over to the underworld.
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Accessible prices

Precios accesibles

Con o sin guía se disfrutan mucho. Precios accesibles. Una experiencia inigualable. Paz, diversión y naturaleza pura además son un gran descubrimiento para los pequeños. Si no visitas un cenote no visitaste Playa.
With or without guide you are very much enjoyed. Accessible prices. An incomparable experience. Peace, fun and pure nature are also a great discovery for the little ones. If you did not visit a cenote, you did not visit Playa.
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There are many cenotes here in the Riviera Maya.

Hay muchísimos cenotes aquí en la Riviera Maya.

De mis favoritos, cenote verde lucero ( Ruta de los cenotes) te puedes tirar desde 10M de altura y el edén es muy bueno también. Esos dos son abiertos, si quieren aventurarse a uno cerrado el cenote 7 bocas más que recomendado y kin ha.
There are many cenotes here in the Riviera Maya! From my favorites, cenote verde cenote (Ruta de los cenotes) you can shoot from 10M high and the Eden is very good too! Those two are open, if you want to venture to one closed cenote 7 mouths more than recommended and kin ha!
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these wonderful cenotes are something not to be missed

Estos maravillosos cenotes son algo imperdibles

Podrás zambullirse desde alturas impensables sin ningún peligro, son profundos y de agua clara y cálida.
these wonderful cenotes are something not to be missed, you can dive from unthinkable heights without any danger, are deep and clear water and warm
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Beautiful to do

Bellissimo fare

Il bagno nei cenotes, un esperienza da fare in Messico.
Beautiful bathing in the cenotes, an experience to do in Mexico
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magicooo place

Lugar mágico.

Lugar mágico.
magicooo place
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Beautiful everything that life and that offers us

Hermoso todo lo que la vida y que nos ofrece

Lugares favoritos si vienes a Cancún y playa del Carmen.
Favorite places if you come to Cancun and Playa del Carmen.
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Natural wonders of the Mayan world, it...

Merveilles naturelles du monde Maya, il...

Merveilles naturelles du monde Maya, il existe dans la péninsule du Yucatan quelques formations naturelles étonnantes appelées "cenotes". On en trouve beaucoup dans les grottes, ce sont des "piscines naturelles" qui viennent de l'eau de pluie et de canaux souterrains. Un cenote est une rivière souterraine ou une cavité inondée en raison de l'accumulation des eaux souterraines à travers une plateforme calcaire. La péninsule du Yucatan est une des plus grandes plate-formes calcaires du monde avec Cuba et la Floride. On estime qu'il y a environ 3000 cenotes dans le Yucatan malgré que seulement 100 soient connues actuellement.
Natural wonders of the Mayan world, it exists in the Yucatan Peninsula some amazing natural formations called "cenotes". There are many in the caves, they are "natural pools" that come from rainwater and underground channels. A cenote is an underground river or cavity flooded due to the accumulation of groundwater through a limestone platform. The Yucatan Peninsula is one of the largest limestone platforms in the world with Cuba and Florida. It is estimated that there are about 3000 cenotes in the Yucatan although only 100 are currently known.
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