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Cathedral of San Luis de Potosí City
Facing the main square of the city of San Luis Potosi is its beautiful Cathedral. This beautiful temple was built between 1670 and 1730 and was dedicated to Our Lady of the Atonement. In the beginning it was just a very humble temple which underwent various renovations. The present building was started in 1592. This region of Mexico is characterized by its mining activities, especially in the time of the Spanish colony. The wealth produced by mines and the contribution of the miners themselves were instrumental in the construction and decoration of the Cathedral. It has a neoclassical style and has statues of the twelve apostles carved in Carrara marble by the Biagi Brothers, a replica of the sculpture found in Rome, in the Basilica of St.
John Deletrán. The main altar shows a beautiful work of masonry, and behind this there is the space for the chorus. It is certainly one of the most beautiful cathedrals of the Mexican province.
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