Makuteros Family Run
Crypt of the Assumption Cathedral in Lima
Cripta de la Asunción en la Catedral de Lima
Data del siglo XVII, es una de las 2 catacumbas abiertas al público desde el 2012 en la Catedral de Lima, en la zona de la bóveda derecha. Ajuar funerario, tela, ropa, cajas, ataudes.... Evidencia de cómo se enterraba a la gente en época virreinal. Entre las 2 criptas se hallaron 180 cuerpos entre los que había gran número de niños
It dates from the seventeenth century, it is one of the 2 open to the public since 2012 in the Cathedral of Lima, near the right vault catacombs. Grave goods, cloth, clothing, boxes, coffins .... Evidence of how people were buried in little colonial. Between 2 crypts 180 bodies were found among those who had large number of children
