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80 reviews of Capri

An amazing experience

The most spontaneously planned trip...an amazing experience, breath taking views, lots of colors and beautiful nature. A must visit for all sea lovers. Feeling truly blessed that I had the chance to be there.


Italian paradise


On our trip to Capri we were pleasantly surprised. It is an island with a lot of places to discover (for visitors, of course). It's on a mountain, so the houses cascade down the side, the roads are narrow as can be, and space is valuable. The people are as happy as all good Italians are. You can not miss taking a shot of limoncello, despite the hot weather in August.

Una hermosa isla


Maravillosas rocas que afloran desde el mar. Cuevas con aguas cristalinas.

Arriving on a cruise from Rome to...

Llegando en un crucero proveniente de...

Llegando en un crucero proveniente de Roma al puerto de Nápoles , no podés de dejar de pensar en que la naturaleza ha dotado a Italia de una costa bellísima con unas islas entre las que se encuentra la de Capri a la que accedimos por un transbordador. A pesar de lo corto de la estadía, pudimos caminar por sus callecitas maravillosas con flores de colores brillantes y diferentes, similares a las que vi en Sicilia. Coexisten en la isla dos centros urbanos Capri y Anacapri, el primero más cerca del mar y el segundo allá arriba, subiendo la montaña, desde donde podés disfrutar de paisajes fantásticos llenos de un colorido especial. Desde aquí puedes acceder en bote a la Gruta Azul, mundialmente famosa por su belleza. Se puede entrar siempre que la marea lo permita. Yo no tuve oportunidad de hacerlo pero adjunto dos fotos de unos amigos para que se den una idea de lo que se trata. Dicen que en la isla siempre brilla el sol..... Del que pudimos disfrutar. Es un sitio de ensueño al que alguna vez me gustaría volver para "descansar" realmente durante unos días....
Arriving on a cruise from Rome to Naples port, you can not stop thinking of that nature has given Italy a beautiful coast with islands among which is located in Capri we have agreed on a ferry. Despite the shortness of the stay, we walk through the wonderful streets with brightly colored flowers and different, similar to those I saw in Sicily. Coexist on the island two urban centers Capri and Anacapri, the first closer to the sea and the second up there, up the mountain, from where you can enjoy fantastic landscapes filled with a special color. From here you can access by boat to the Blue Grotto, world famous for its beauty. You can enter as long as the tide allows. I had no opportunity to do so but attached two photos of a few friends to give you an idea of ​​what it is. They say that the island always sunny ..... Of which we enjoyed. It's a dream that I would ever return to "rest" for a few days really ....
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Lovely Capri

Capri encantadora

Não há muito o que dizer... Céu azul de verão, vento com cheirinho de maresia, mar azul marinho e de repente mar verde claro! Capri é verdadeiramente encantadora e meu coração ficou preso por lá, apaixonado pela paisagem romântica, pelas encostas branquíssimas e pelo clima inacreditável! A vista da parte de cima da ilha é maravilhosa! Tudo isso fica ainda melhor acompanhado de um gelato ou de um licor "Lemoncello" (especialidade da ilha!). Eu me encantei com as casinhas de cor branca (como na Grécia), umas coladinhas nas outras, além das ruazinhas estreitíssimas, onde até precisávamos encostar nas paredes para que os carros (em alta velocidade!) passassem zumbindo por nós! É um lugar agradável, charmoso e cheio de gente bonita! Para quem ama fotografia como eu, é o paraíso para se obter um álbum perfeito! Capri é linda, é lilás (cor oficial da ilha) e tem um cheiro especial de limões sicilianos em todos os cantos! Minha volta para lá é certa!
Not much to say ... Blue summer sky, with wind smell of salt air, sea navy blue and green sea suddenly clear! Capri is truly delightful and my heart got stuck there, passionate romantic landscape, the hills and the climate branquíssimas unbelievable! The view from the top of the island is wonderful! All this gets even better accompanied by a gelato or a liqueur "Lemoncello" (specialty of the island!). I was charmed by the houses of white (as in Greece), coladinhas each other, besides the extremely narrow alleys where needed touching up the walls to the cars (at speed!) Passed by us buzzing! It's a nice place, charming and full of beautiful people! For anyone who loves photography like me, is heaven to obtain a perfect album! Capri is beautiful, purple (the official color of the island) and has a special smell of lemons in every corner! My back there for sure!
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A walk through Capri

Un paseo por Capri

Llegamos a Capri, como todo el mundo, por mar. Y la imagen de la isla mientras nos acercábamos a ella, evocaba el glamour que la ha envuelto desde los años 40, tan llena de celebridades, políticos y famosos, que hicieron de ella su lugar de veraneo. Cuando el ferry atraca, nos deja en un pequeño muelle que se encuentra junto a lo que parecen casas de pescadores, pero que han sido rehabilitadas para convertirlas en bares y restaurantes turísticos. Un teleférico nos lleva a lo alto de la isla, Anacapri, donde se encuentran los jardines de Tiberio; desde aquí podemos disfrutar la vista de los Faraglioni, dos gigantescas moles de piedra que se alzan del mar. Un paseo por la ciudad alta nos da una idea del nivel económico de la gente que viene a pasar sus vacaciones aquí. Las grandes firmas, como Prada, Dior, Chanel...han hecho de la isla un destino de compras de lujo único en Europa.
We Capri, like everyone, by sea. And the image of the island as we approached it, evoking the glamor that has wrapped since the 40's, so full of celebrities, politicians and celebrities, who made it their summer resort. When the ferry docks, leaves us in a small dock next to what appear to fishermen's houses, but have been restored to turn them into bars and tourist restaurants. A cable car takes you to the top of the island, Anacapri, where the gardens of Tiberius, from here we can enjoy the view of the Faraglioni, two gigantic masses of stone that rise from the sea. A high city tour gives us an idea of ​​the economic level of the people who come to spend their holidays here. Large firms such as Prada, Dior, Chanel ... have made the island a luxury shopping destination unique in Europe.
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The fame of the island is more to do....

La renommée de l'île n'est plus à fa...

La renommée de l'île n'est plus à faire. Distante de seulement 5 km du continent, Capri est tout de même mythique. Entièrement dévolue au tourisme elle accueille parfois jusqu'à 5 000 visiteurs par jour en été. Chiffre impressionnant et à la mesure de sa beauté ! Je ne vous conseille pas d'y séjourner, passez y une journée, mais vouloir y dormir est une petite folie au prix élevé à cause des nombreuses célébrités qui se sont appropriées l'île. Toutefois, au-delà des cafés surpeuplés et des boutiques luxueuses, les grandes villas, la végétation abondante, les bougainvilliers par milliers, les couleurs éclatantes, témoignent du charme de l'île qui a été soigneusement préservé. Et c'est sans compter la mer turquoise qui entoure ce coin de paradis, ses criques enchantées et ses grottes mystérieuses qu'elle renferme, dont la plus spectaculaire reste la Grotta Azzurra ou grotte bleue. Cette dernière n'est point un attrape touristes, la lumière bleutée qui l'irradie est belle et bien magique. Capri c'est loin d'être fini ! Cet amour là on ne s'en lasse pas...
The fame of the island is more to do. Distant only 5 km from the mainland, Capri is still legendary. Entirely devoted to tourism it sometimes hosts up to 5,000 visitors a day in summer. Impressive figure and the extent of its beauty! I do not advise you to stay there, go there one day, but want to sleep there is a splurge at high prices because of the many celebrities who have appropriated the island. However, beyond the crowded cafes and luxury boutiques, large villas, abundant vegetation, bougainvillea by thousands, vibrant colors reflect the charm of the island which has been carefully preserved. And that's not counting the turquoise sea that surrounds this paradise, its enchanting coves and mysterious caves it contains, the most spectacular is the Grotta Azzurra or Blue Grotto. The latter is not a tourist trap, the blue light that radiates is well and truly magical. Capri is far from over! This love we do not get tired ...
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Boating in Capri

Passeio de barco em Capri

Capri é uma das ilhas mais turísticas do mundo, caríssima e super pequena. Quando chegamos lá, não tem tanta coisa pra fazer, a não ser tomar sol na praia, subir de bondinho e gastar nos restaurantes chiquérrimos e lojas caríssimas de marca. Um passeio não muito caro e bem interessante, é pegar um barco (um dos muitos barcos que estarão atracados no porto chamando turista) e dar a volta na ilha. Pagamos 10 euros cada (fizemos uma barganha sim, necessário sempre em lugares muito turísticos) e o passeio durou quase 2h. O guia era muito atencioso, falava inglês e italiano para os turistas e explicou tudo o que tinha ilha, mostrou as casas dos famosos e falou das lendas da ilha. Passeio muito legal que valeu a pena!
Capri is one of the more touristy islands in the world, expensive and super small. When we got there, it has so much to do, except sunbathe on the beach, climbing cable car and spend in restaurants and stores chiquérrimos expensive brand. A walk is not very expensive and very interesting, take a boat (one of the many boats that are moored in the harbor tourist calling) and go around the island. We paid 10 euros each (we made a bargain yes, always necessary in very tourist) and the tour lasted almost 2 hours. The guide was very helpful, spoke English and Italian for tourists and explained everything that had island, showed the homes of the famous and spoke of the legends of the island. Very cool ride that was worth it!
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One day in Capri

Un día en Capri

Después de 2 días en Nápoles decidimos ir a visitar Capri. Isla llena de luz, de calles con encanto y un mar azul con agua cristalina. Es sin duda una isla que hay que visitar si se viaja a Italia. Un día en Capri te ofrece la magia de una isla que, vayas donde vayas, tiene unos paisajes admirables.
After two days in Naples decided to visit Capri. Island full of light, charming streets and a blue sea with crystal clear water. It is definitely an island to be visited when traveling to Italy. One day in Capri gives you the magic of an island that, wherever you go, have a wonderful landscape.
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A day in paradise

Un dia en el paraiso

Capri, una isla de Italia con su propio encanto, sus formaciones rocosas que salen del mar lo convierten en un lugar místico e inigualable. Durante un día se logra apreciar todo un paraíso. Saliendo desde Sorrento, una ciudad al sur de Italia, se toma el Ferry que lo lleva hasta la isla, hay que tener en cuenta que los precios varían, dependiendo de las horas y del tipo de Ferry en el que se desee viajar, puede ser de útil ayuda esta pagina, www.capri.net, allí se encuentra la información de transporte, qué hacer en la isla, y como llegar a ella desde otros puntos de Italia. La ciudad esta ubicada en la cima de la montaña a la cual solo es posible subir en metro cable, allá se veran los almacenes más lujosos, todas las marcas más famosas y los restaurantes a los que las celebridades de todas partes del mundo han llegado a visitar, pues en las puertas de ellos, estan las fotos que ilustran aquel momento y le dan aun más nombre al establecimiento y de paso al precio del café en el menú. Caminatas ecologicas de una hora, o de 15 minutos y por cualquier lado vistas increibles.
Capri, an island of Italy with its own charm, its rock formations emerging from the sea makes it a mystical and unique. For one day you can appreciate a paradise. Leaving from Sorrento, a city in southern Italy, take the ferry that takes you to the island, you have to keep in mind that prices vary, depending on the hours and type of Ferry where you want to travel, can be Was this product helps, www.capri.net, there is transport information, what to do on the island, and how to get to it from other parts of Italy. The city is located at the top of the mountain which is only possible up underground cable is beyond most luxurious stores will see all the most famous brands and restaurants that celebrities from all over the world have come to visit, because in their gates, are the pictures that illustrate the time and give even more name to the establishment and step to the price of coffee on the menu. Ecological walks an hour or 15 minutes on either side incredible views.
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The beautiful and unforgettable Capri

La Bella e inolvidable Capri

La isla de Capri es realmente maravillosa en toda su extensión. Se puede acceder a ella por barco desde Nápoles y en un día puedes recorrer bastantes rincones, hacer caminatas, compras si tienes suficiente dinero, disfrutar de la comida italiana exquisita. Es recomendable recorrer en barco alrededor de la isla para tener otra visión. Imperdible la gruta azul, una experiencia inolvidable desde la forma de acceder, en una pequeña barca y recostado en el suelo de la misma para poder entrar a la gruta y luego maravillarse con ese color azul intenso. No menos interesantes son las grutas verde y blanca. Los farallones. Una maravilla.
The island of Capri is truly wonderful in all its extension. You can access it by boat from Naples and in one day you can go around many corners, take walks, buy if you have enough money, enjoy the exquisite Italian food. It is advisable to travel by boat around the island to have another vision. You can not miss the blue grotto, an unforgettable experience from the form of access, in a small boat and lying on the floor of it to enter the grotto and then marvel at that intense blue color. No less interesting are the green and white caves. The cliffs. A marvel.
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Amazing landscapes to italianissimo pace.

Increibles paisajes a un ritmo italianissimo.

En el marco de un paisaje increíble y al ritmo de la bella Italia, paseamos por Capri descubriendo sonidos, colores y sabores.
As part of an amazing landscape and pace of the beautiful Italy, Capri walked discovering sounds, colors and flavors.
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Capri is a beautiful corner of the Mediterranean and cozy

Capri es un rincon del mediterraneo hermoso y acojedor

No creo que los Romanos fuesen tontos y confirmo que supieron escoger los mejores lugares y los mas hermosos del "marenostrum". La isla de Capri es un lujo para los sentido y los lugareños son sencillamente encantadores. Los precios son un poco prohibitivos, pero merece la pena hacer el esfuerzo, el recuerdo queda bañado por una agradable nostalgia del lugar. El único precio de dificil pago, es que media isla solo se puede ver si se camina.... y mucho. La parte de Anacapri es muy agradable y si se alquila una moto se puede visitar de forma mucho mas cómoda. Capri es mediterráneo en estado puro. Super recomendable la visita a la gruta azul, pero desde las rocas a las pequeñas embarcaciones. La Piazzeta es un rincon delicioso. Hay un paseo maravilloso... el Pizzolungo, con parada en el maravilloso restaurante de los míticos farallones. Un paseo a no olvidar, vale la pena el esfuerzo. Paseos de dia y de ñoche, con un ambiente mágico.
I do not think the Romans were fools and confirm that they learned to choose the best places and the most beautiful of the "marenostrum". The island of Capri is a treat for the senses and the locals are simply delightful. Prices are a bit prohibitive, but it's worth making the effort, the memory is bathed in nostalgia nice place. The only difficult price paid, is that half the island can only be seen if you walk .... a lot. The part of Anacapri is very nice and if you rent a motorbike you can visit much more comfortable. Capri is Mediterranean at its best. Super recommended to visit the Blue Grotto, but from the rocks to small boats. La Piazzetta is a delightful corner. There is a wonderful ride ... the Pizzolungo, stopping at the wonderful restaurant of the legendary cliffs. A walk to remember, it's worth the effort. Rides day and night, with a magical atmosphere.
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Holiday trip in 2008 by Italy and...

Viaje de vacaciones en el año 2008 por ...

Viaje de vacaciones en el año 2008 por Italia y excursión a la Isla de Capri en la cual se pueden observar maravillosas vistas del Vesubio. Las características principales de la isla son retratadas en las postales: La Marina Piccola (puerto pequeño), el Belvedere de Tragara, que es un elevado paseo panorámico sembrado de villas, los macizos calizos que destacan del mar (los "Faraglioni"), Anacapri, la Gruta Azul (Grotta Azzurra). Sobre todo están las ruinas de las villas romanas.
Holiday trip in 2008 by Italy and excursion to the Isle of Capri in which you can see stunning views of Vesuvius. The main features of the island are portrayed on postcards: the Marina Piccola (Small Harbor), the Belvedere of Tragara, which is a high panoramic promenade dotted with villas, the limestone masses that stand out of the sea (the 'Faraglioni'), Anacapri , the Blue Grotto (Grotta Azzurra). Above all are the ruins of Roman villas.
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Hidden on the island of Capri Treasures

Tesoros escondidos en la isla de Capri

Capri nunca ha sido un destino que me llamara la atención. Sin embargo, nada más pisar su suelo quedé hipnotizada por la belleza de sus aguas, su gente, su arquitectura y su vegetación. El paisaje desde lo alto de la isla se torna espectacular tan pronto como se gira la vista hacia el mar desde cualquier ángulo. Fueron pocas las horas que pasé en Capri, sin embargo, ahora que lo he visitado sueño con la próxima vez que pueda dedicarle más tiempo a este pequeño tesoro escondido.
Capri has never been a destination that caught my attention. However, just inside its soil was mesmerized by the beauty of its waters, its people, its architecture and its vegetation. The scenery from the top of the island is spectacular as soon as you turn the ocean view from every angle. There were few hours I spent in Capri, however, now that I've visited dream the next time you can devote more time to this little hidden gem.
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