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Cape of Good Hope

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18 reviews of Cape of Good Hope

Where the two oceans meet

It's lovely to be where the two oceans meet with an amazing view. The truth is that we had excellent, clear weather that day. So I can now say that I've been as far south as possible on the African continent.

Make the spectacle complete.


The view is amazing and the two oceans coming together.

Very beautiful


I dreamed, I did ... Make me the most...

J'en ai rêvé, je l'ai fait ... Me r...

J'en ai rêvé, je l'ai fait ... Me rendre sur la pointe la plus au sud du continent africain ! Bon, en fait ce n'est pas la pointe la plus au sud mais ça, je ne l'ai appris qu'après. C'est le cap des Aiguilles, à 52 kilomètres, qui peut se targuer d'être le point le plus méridional ... Mais est-ce que vous avez déjà entendu parler du cap des Aiguilles ? Pour ma part, je ne connaissais pas son existence alors que le cap de Bonne-Espérance hantaient mes rêves quand je voulais devenir explorateur. Si il est si connu, c'est parce qu'il marque le point psychologiquement important où on commence à voyager plus vers l'est que vers le sud et c'est pourquoi il a eu et a encore une grande importance pour les navigateurs. Sur la route pour y accéder, je croise autruches et babouins... Attention d'ailleurs à bien laisser vos vitres fermées parce que malheureusement les babouins sont devenus, pour certains, agressifs après avoir été nourris par l'homme ! Donc pas de cacahuètes lancées par la fenêtre et profitez en plutôt pour admirer la réserve naturelle du Cap de Bonne-Espérance et de la Pointe du Cap qui vous entoure. C'est à pied que ma visite continue à l'assaut de ce promontoire rocheux sur lesquels les éléments se déchaînent ! Le vent, tout d'abord, me prive de ma casquette et ralentit mon avancée et puis l'eau, ensuite, qui se jette sur les rochers avec une force sans précédent ! Ce que je ressens est difficilement descriptible mais comme vous pouvez le voir sur les photos, ce sont des paysages de toute beauté dans une nature préservée qui s'offrent à moi. Une expérience inoubliable...
I dreamed, I did ... Make me the most southernmost tip of the African continent! Well, actually it is not the most advanced in the south, but that, I have learned afterwards. This is Cape Agulhas, 52 kilometers, which can boast of being the southernmost point ... But did you ever heard of Cape Agulhas? For my part, I did not know its existence as the Cape of Good Hope haunted my dreams when I wanted to be an explorer. If it is so well known is because it marks the psychologically important point where one begins to travel more eastward than southward and that is why he had and still has great importance for browsers. On the road to get there, I meet ostriches and baboons ... Caution also leave out your windows closed because unfortunately baboons have become for some aggressive after being fed by man! So no peanuts thrown out the window and enjoy it rather to admire the nature reserve of Cape of Good Hope and Cape Point around you. This is my walk tour continues to assault the rocky promontory on which the elements rage! The wind, first of all, deprives me of my cap and slowed my progress and then the water then flowing over rocks with unprecedented force! What I feel is hard to describe but as you can see from the photos, they are beautiful landscapes in a nature preserve open to me. An unforgettable experience ...
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Once in Cape Town there are about 70 km...

Una volta a Città del Capo ci sono da ...

Una volta a Città del Capo ci sono da percorrere circa 70 km. Per raggiungere la punta estrema della penisola, una volta chiamata il "Capo delle Tempeste", per le burrasche, i forti venti e le onde gigantesche: Cose queste molto pericolose per i naviganti. Il Capo di Buona Speranza si trova all'interno dell'omonima Riserva, dove si possono vedere numerose specie di volatili ed animali vari, tra questi: Struzzi, antilopi, fagoceri, babbuini, etc.- La flora, invece, raggiunge livelli di spettacolarità nella stagione della fioritura.
Once in Cape Town there are about 70 km to go. To reach the tip of the peninsula, once called the "Cape of Storms", for the storms, strong winds and big waves: Things these very dangerous for sailors. The Cape of Good Hope is located in the homonymous Reserve, where you can see many species of birds and other animals, including: ostriches, antelopes, fagoceri, baboons, etc. - The flora, however, brings new levels of spectacular in the flowering season.
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A walk with my friend, the ostrich

Un paseo con mi amigo el avestruz

Como he dicho en otras ocasiones me encanta el mar. Creo que no hay cosa mas relajante que pasarse horas mirando su inmensidad y el golpear de las olas. Es lo mismo que nos pasa a muchos cuando observamos el fuego de una chimenea, nos hipnotiza. Tras subir al Cape Point, donde está el faro y una de las vistas mas bonitas del Cabo de Buena Esperanza, decidí darme un paseo por la playa, mientras mis compañeros de viaje subían a no se qué otro punto del lugar. Llegado a un punto, una hembra de avestruz comenzó a seguirme. El magnífico día soleado empezó a ponerse negro, y una tormenta de buenas a primeras comenzó a formarse. Convencido de que mi destino iba a ser ponerme como una sopa porque no tenía el coche, me resigné, y me encendí un cigarro para disfrutar de este momento donde estábamos el avestruz, el Cabo de Buena Esperanza y yo, ante el infinito océano y la inoportuna tormenta. El momento no merecía menos que una fotografía como la que os acompaño.
As I said before I love the sea. I think that there is nothing more relaxing than spending hours staring immensity and hit the waves. Same thing that happens to many when we look at a chimney fire, hypnotizes us. After climbing to Cape Point, where the lighthouse and one of the most beautiful views of the Cape of Good Hope, decided to take a walk on the beach, while my companions went up to not know what else in the place. At one point, a female ostrich started following. The gorgeous sunny day began to turn black, and the bat storm began to form. Convinced that my destiny was to be put as a soup because I had no car, I resigned, and I lit a cigarette to enjoy this moment where we were the ostrich, the Cape of Good Hope and I, before the infinite ocean and untimely storm. We do not deserve less than a photograph like the one I accompany.
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A corporal and two lighthouses

Un cabo y dos faros

Bartolomé Díaz fue el primer europeo en avistar este Cabo, en el año 1488. Lo bautizó como el Cabo de las Tormentas, sobra explicar por qué. Luego Juan II, rey de Portugal, desde su cómodo trono decidió cambiarlo de nombre por el del Cabo de Buena Esperanza, pensando que habían llegado al punto más sur de África y que desde allí podrían navegar al este, hasta la India. El Cabo de Buena Esperanza se encuentra dentro de su propio Parque Nacional. Como tal has de pagar para acceder, pero merece la pena. Pasado el filtro del parking, la tienda de souvenirs y los restaurantes, un funicular te sube hasta el primero de los dos faros. Un sendero te lleva hasta un último mirador desde donde observar el segundo de los faros, mucho más pequeño y casi en la punta del cabo. Las vistas del océano son impresionantes.
Bartolomeu Dias was the first European to sight the Cape, in 1488. Christened it the Cape of Storms, needless to explain why. Then John II, King of Portugal, from his comfortable throne name was replaced by the Cape of Good Hope, thinking he had reached the most southern point of Africa, and from there could sail east to India. Cape of Good Hope is located within its own National Park. As such you have to pay for access, but worth it. After the filter parking, souvenir shop and restaurants, a funicular takes you up to the first of the two lighthouses. A trail leads to a viewpoint from which to observe last second headlight, much smaller and almost at the tip of the cape. The ocean views are stunning.
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Corporal (almost) ms south of Africa

El cabo (casi) más al sur de África

Avistado por primera vez por Bartolomé Díaz en 1488. Falsamente conocido como el punto más al sur de todo África (ya que éste es el Cabo de Agulhas o Agujas), impresiona la tranquilidad que en él se respira. En Cape Point, a 150 metros, existe un pequeño museo que cuenta la historia de este cabo, conocido por los españoles como "De las Tormentas", por el mal tiempo y los fuertes vientos que soplan en la zona. En la zona pueden verse una gran variedad de pájaros y pequeños reptiles, avestruces, focas, ... y la gente local afirma que en días claros, hasta se avistan ballenas.
First sighted by Bartholomew Diaz in 1488. Falsely known as the southernmost point of Africa all (since this is Cape Agulhas or needles), impresses the tranquility it exudes. At Cape Point, 150 meters, there is a small museum that tells the story of this place, known by the Spanish as "De Storm" by bad weather and strong winds blowing in the area. The area may be a variety of birds and small reptiles, ostriches, seals, ... and the local people claimed that on clear days, even whales are sighted.
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The southern most tip of the African...

La pointe la plus au sud du continent...

La pointe la plus au sud du continent Africain ! Balayée par les vents et la mer qui s'écrase sur ces petites falaises, le paysage est impressionnant. Pour y accéder : Rentrer dans la réserve naturelle du Cap de Bonne espérance et continuer la route jusqu'au bout : Vous y êtes ! Pas de droit d'entrée. La ville la plus proche est Simon's town, où il fait bon se poser quelque jours pour profiter des vues et des balades dans les environs. Simon's town est relié en train à la ville du Cap (environ 1h30 de trajet)
The southern most tip of the African continent! Swept by the winds and the sea crashing on the small cliffs, the landscape is impressive. To access it: Getting into Nature Reserve Cape of Good Hope Road and continue to the end, you are! No entry fee. The nearest city is Simon's town, where it is good to ask a few days to enjoy the views and walks in the area. Simon's town is connected by train to Cape Town (1h30 drive)
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National Park Cape of Good expectancy

Le parc national du cap de Bonne Espérance

Il a longtemps été considéré par les navigateurs comme le cap le plus au Sud du continent africain. Mais avec les appareils modernes dont on dispose aujourd'hui, on sait qu'il s'agit en fait du cap Aguilla, un peu plus à l'Est. Ça ne change rien pour apprécier la beauté des lieux. Le cap est situé dans un immense parc national où évoluent élans du cap, babouins, et autres animaux. Lorsqu'on est au pied du phare à la pointe du cap, on a quand même l'impression d'être au bout du monde.
It has long been regarded by sailors as the most southern cape of Africa. But with modern appliances available today, we know that it is actually Cape Aguilla, a little further east. It does not matter to appreciate the beauty. The course is located in a huge national park where the elk are changing course, baboons, and other animals. When you are at the foot of the lighthouse at the tip of the cape, we still feel like the end of the world.
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A national park that you can not miss

Un parque nacional que no te puedes perder

Tambien llamado cabo de las tormentas, sobrecojedor el espectaculo de las vistas desde alli donde se juntan dos oceanos el indico y el atlantico. Un faro en su cumbre para alertar a los barcos de la peligrosidad de sus aguas.Un parque nacional que no te puedes perder.
Also called the end of the storms, overwhelming the spectacle of the views from there where two oceans meet the Indian and the Atlantic. A lighthouse on its summit to alert ships to the danger of its waters, a national park that you can not miss.
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Amazing views a unique feeling to be at...

Unas vistas increíbles una sensación ú...

Unas vistas increíbles una sensación única al encontrarse en el punto donde se unen los dos océanos. Vale la pena la visita, pero cuidado con tus pertenencias, hay mucho amigo de lo ajeno.
Amazing views a unique feeling to be at the point where the two oceans meet. It is worth the visit, but beware of your belongings, there is a lot of friend of the other people !!! Amazing views a unique feeling to be at the point where the two oceans meet. It is worth the visit, but beware of your belongings, there is a lot of friend of the other people !!!
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Wonderful view of Two Oceans

Maravilhosa Vista de Dois Oceanos

Uma das melhores viagens que eu já fiz até hoje foi um intercâmbio para a África do Sul. Encontrar nessa vista, dois Oceanos, Atlântico e Índico, é algo realmente espetacular. O país é cheio de atrativos naturais, mas o Cabo da Boa Esperança é, sem dúvidas, o mais magnífico.
One of the best trips I've ever done was an exchange to South Africa Find this view, two oceans, the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, is something really spectacular. The country is full of natural attractions, but the Cape of Good Hope is undoubtedly the most magnificent.
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A special place

Un lugar especial

a special place
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View gniale at the end of the cape

Vue géniale tout au bout du cap

Profitez de la vue magique tout en haut du rocher qui surplombe une des magnifiques plages du cap de bonne espérance. Accès en dix a quinze minutes par un chemin derrière le panneau "cape of good hope". http://mini-whales.com/blog/2012/07/04/cap-bonne-esperance/
Enjoy the breathtaking view at the top of a rock overlooking the beautiful beaches of the Cape of Good Hope. Access ten to fifteen minutes by a path behind the sign "cape of good hope."
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