Alicia Ortego
As I told you when I was describing...
As I told you when I was describing Beng Mealea, it you visit Angkor, it's worth taking a day to visit the temple, which is 60km from Siem Reap. Along the way, you can stop at this fishing village, which is a floating village (at least in the rainy season, when everything nearby is flooded, giving the area the name of "floating forest"). You'll find small motor boats where locals will offer you a tour of the canals - the "streets" of the village.
It is strange and fascinating to see the conditions in which these people live: crowded, with their hammocks and stores. There are also a few temples and/or Buddhist monasteries (more than you'd expect, at least 5, in this small town).
The number of TV antennas that you'll see in windows and open doors really hits home. And as there's virtually no tourism here (we were the only ones in a long time, we were told), we became a point of distraction for the locals, who stopped to greet us or just stare at our clothes and cameras before going back to their chores.
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